What did I miss
Hi Betz, Pam and others,
So sorry I was not able to got o the meeting last night. I just still was not feeling that great. I hope to go next month. So what did I miss. Wasn't there something going on after the meeting did you guys go to that also before you went out to eat.
Let me know what you guys did.
hi there..
i'm not sure what has happened to the group, but it was the smallest i have ever seen it! really disappointing, honestly. But in a way, it was really nice. We all actually got to talk with the surgeons at length and some really good information - especially about hernia's - was given. I think that comprised of most of the conversation!
so hopefully next month we'll have a better showing. i really thought i'd see more of you there tonight!
ps. shannon - thank you for saying hi! i don't think i would've recognized you otherwise! although, i knew you looked familiar - i just figured i had seen you at the group before, not on this site! LOL . I need new pictures on my site - ones with my curly hair [which is how it normally is!] because i know i don't look the same. LOL
You missed meeeeee!!!
We had some great chat about boobies before the meeting, lots of laughs. Then after the meeting started we had a very rare Dr. Harrington sighting. I had never met/seen him before. Then Dr. Ryder came in. With Dr. Roye already there we got treated to a surgeon threesome. It was more informative than any other meeting I had ever been to. Many of the questions that were asked were turned into a poll the surgeon kind of format by Dr. Roye. He would let Ryder and Harrington answer and then give his thoughts. I really enjoyed it. Also Sue Manchester shared the results of the survey about how people are doing over 1 year post-op.
We didn't do anything after because there were only a couple of us and that was okay, maybe another time.
Pam, we didn't discuss boob jobs but we can try that next month. Mostly it was my lament that bra makers think that fat women must have big ta-tas. All that has ever been available to us lowly A cups is a size 32 to 38 band. I have been confined to a life of sports bras my whole life. All the a cup bras have Holly Hobbie appliques. Maybe soon I will be wearing a Dora the Explorer bra.
I have a bra place for you in Westerly. They are expensive but they have them in all sizes. At a 36H - did I just put that in writing?
they had a ton of choices for me to choose from. They measure etc - better than Ruth's which I never thought I would say either. I just have to pull out their info - they prefer it if you make an appointment - that is so they can spend their time helping you. They bra's are expensive - but totally worth it.
Let me know if you are interested.

Yes, We did have a very fun time talking about our boobs. I have too much and Betz wants more of them. To bad I can't donate to you, Betz.
Pam, I do plan on getting a reduction once I lose the weight. I have already seen the Plastic Surgeon. I have always had a large chest no matter how heavy I have been. I was trying to lose weight for the operation, but then my Mom was diagnosed with Leukemia and I stopped to take care of her and my dad. If it going to make you feel better then GO FOR IT. They are planning on having a Plastic Surgeon as a guest speaker for the Sept 5th meeting.
Hope everyone is having a great week.
all the best. Paula