Hello Everyone
Hi, I made it! I had my surgery on Tuesday and came home yesterday and am slowly but surely trying to get back to normal. It isn't easy though....I can't seem to get enough liquids in, but I'm still trying. Do any of you (people who have had the surgery more than a year ago) have any problems with medication. I heard from a friend the other day that a girl that she works with died becuase of all the tylenol and stuff she was taking....I have to admit, I've never heard anything about it, but it did freak me out. Any info would be great!
Hi Stephanie
It's very common to have some trouble getting enough liquid in. I'm 8 months out and I still really have to push the fluids. Just keep pluggin away.
I've never had any trouble with medication. Of course initially I used the liquid tylenol, but after 6 months I never had trouble swallowing any type of pill. You should use a pill splitter/crusher until you're 6 months out. I still split some of my supplements.
You have to be careful of over dosing with tylenol, I think it effects the liver. Plus I've been advised not to take anti-inflamatories due to the possibility of irritation and stomach bleeding. I guess it's increased when you're stomach is the size of a small egg. Did the girl who passed away have weight loss surgery? There must be more to why she died, not just some tylenol. How tragic and sad.
Hope I helped to ease your concern.

Yes the girl who passed away did have gastric bypass. I don't plan on taking many meds anyway....last night I took one vicaden and then another 2 hours later because the pain was too much.....and I got SOOOOOo sick. I am not going to do that again...I had to call Dr. Polh lastnight at 10:30 to make sure that I was not dying. I need to feel better soon, I am starting to get depressed...I think half of my pain last night was depression.
Hey Steph,
I'm hoping the pain is getting less and less for you. I was lucky I guess, most of the pain I experienced was in the hospital, so it was controlled to some extent by the meds. Then after a couple of days at home on the liquid pain med. I was able to switch off to the liquid tylenol. It does get better. Do you have someone at home that's helping you at all? Also the anesthia does a number on your body, it can trigger some of the depression you're feeling. I'm hoping you're feeling better soon. Keep posting and let us know how you're doing. Chin up kiddo, it really does get better.

I will try to keep my spirits up. I don't know if I can do the SF pops because cold things seem to make my belly hurt for now. I called the Dr and he suggested me taking 1/2 of a vicadin and so far so good. I went the whole day with out it, but like clockwork 6:00pm came around and I felt pretty bad again...so I took half and did manage to get 3/4 of my shake down but that's it...so I had 1 and a half shakes and I am still working on the water......I just keep hoping this will all be worth it...I'm sure it will, but I am not one to deal with sickness and pain very well.....It needs to be over so I can be normal. My mom is here, but has to leave on Tuesday so I will be on my own then, I am praying for a miracle that I am somewhat normal by then. I don't know two days is not very long to get my act together.
Hey there Steph! I'm glad you're done and over with the proceedure, have been thinking about you but didn't want to bother you in the hospital. I read you're having some pain - feeling any better yet?
Now what's the deal with getting in your shakes - do they tell you you have to take a certain amount of liquid per day or something? Are you feeling full and that's why it's hard to drink?
I haven't heard of anyone dying from taking too much tylenol - but try to only use it when you absolutely need to.
Chat later!
Yes, I am feeling better now...thanks for asking. Yes you are supposed to get in 46ozs of fluid, which is impossible right now....and yes it's because I get full really fast...funny huh? Yeah, Heather worked with a lady that had the bypass about a year and hal*****hey are saying it's because of too many tylenol, but she was also in a car accident about 2 mos ago and didn't go to the dr. so who knows what the heck happened to her.....I don't plan on taking much anyway I am hoping that my aches and pains will mostly go away when I am not so huge. I hear that the lap band recovery time is much quicker so I wouldn't worry about that now. He also took my gall bladder out while he was there because it was already acting up so when you have rapid weight loss it WILL act up even more and make stoned so it was best to do it now. Krista came up to see me in the hosp which was really nice. She's worried about me not being well enough to coach this spring, ( did she tell you that I roped her in to helping me?) I plan on being fine by then and full of energy.
Hi Steph,
I'm glad to hear you are feeling better! Did you take before and after pictures? You should...I think that will be so exciting! I hear the recovery for lapband is a little better too....so I'm not that worried. I just can't wait - I'm the fattest I've ever been (well...not pregnant anyway).
Did you do a liquid only phase prior to surgery? If so, what did you drink? My doc said I had to loose 5-10 pounds prior to surgery but I've been gaining weight...so I plan on doing something a couple of weeks before my surgery.
I just quit smoking yesterday (and am actually doing really well) because the doc said he would not perform surgery if I was still smoking.....so I'm ready for a new healthy me!
Yeah, Krista mentioned that you were both coaching this year - I think that'll be great fun!!
Keep me posted on your recovery!