Sagging skin? does this happen to everyone who loses 100 lbs..
Hey Linda,
I think the skin thing has a lot to do with your age, some hereditary stuff and how long you've been overweight.
In my case, the only time I wasn't overweight was second grade. So in my case that means bat wings. Oh well
I'm willing to put up with it til I decide on what I'm going to do about plastic surgery. I'm not quite a 100lbs down yet, but I'm gettin real close 90+.
I do exercise, but I don't do a lot of strength training. I use the treadmill and low impact aerobic videos that also include some full body exercises, but not strength training. Although I'm not sure it would take care of all the skin I have. It's not real bad, but enough to bug me. Except that I'd like the flat belly and perky you know.....some day.
Any whoo, congrats on the surgery. How are things going?

Hi Pam- Pam you lost 90 lbs? wow!!!!!! congrads- how long did it take you?
here's the scoop on me- I had surgery 16 days ago. I have lost 12 pounds.
I felt so good last weekend( when it was 17 degrees) that I decided I could conquer the world and I went for a 2 mile walk on a very freezing Sunday morning. By Sunday night I was on the couch sneezing and sick. I broke down my system and gave myself a horrible cold so this week I have been laying on my a$$ and not getting any exerciseand trying to recover.
(Still I lost 5 pounds since last friday) Okay I learned my lesson!I'm a moran. How else can I exercise?
Oooo bummer. Sorry to hear you are sick. I hope you called your doc. Just to be sure since you are less than three weeks post-op.
As for exercise, that's a tough one. I'd check with your doc on that too. You can't do stairs, you're too fresh out and you can't go outside, you'll freeze, then break your neck falling on the ice. My guess will be that they'll tell you to rest and drink, drink, drink. Then go to a Y and walk on the indoor track, or walk around and around and around your house. Maybe your local high school has and indoor track, or you can always walk around the mall. That can be financially dangerous!
Hope you're on the road to recovery!