result of psych eval: denied!
Hi everyone! I had my psych eval last tuesday at RI hospital. I got my results later the same day and I was told that due to my binge eating, now would not be the best time for the wls. I have to meet with a woman named Laura on Feb. 28 before joining a support group and once Laura thinks I am eligible for another eval, I'll get another go at it. Has anyone else had a similar experience at the psych eval.? I've stopped binge eating but i've replaced it with eating whatever I want now, I don't say no if I want something where as before I would say no and then later on binge on something sweet atleast 3 times a week. I'm open and would appreciate any advice and/or suggestions.
I saw Laura Messier. She was great. It only took my two visit with her for her to pass me. I am just waiting for her letter to arrive at my doctors.
I say just hang in there and work on your issues and try hard not to binge eat. Maybe go for a walk instead or read a magazine or a book. Come online and talk to us all.
You will make, you will pass in no time!