After a year of rejections and waiting..... I have a DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't believe this day has come! After a year of battling with one insurance company and joining another..... after all the tests and hardships of the past year (my grandmother dying, quitting my job do to stress and a slight break down) I finally have my date : April 3rd!!! 6 short days before my birthday. With any luck in the next year or so I will hopefully be healthy enough to have a baby. My husband and I are so excited!! The future is finaly looking brighter to me.... I'm halfway in tears. I really feel as if I'm saving my life right now. I know I haven't posted much but reading your posts have really helped me so thanks to all of you for your insights and inspiration!
I totally know how you must feel right now. It's the best feeling in the world.
Thank god for being able to switch insurance companies. I would be 20K poorer, or still 327+ if it weren't for my new BCBS.
I loved being able to say f-you to United. I'm taking my money, and i'm going elsewhere, spank you very much!
good luck on all the rest of your tests, etc. But really - you've just flown over the biggest hurdle of all - so the rest is easy-fo-sheezy.