I'm very new to this, and have a few questions.

on 1/21/07 6:12 am - Cumberland, RI
You are all so helpful with all that you have written. I have read and I am encouraged to proceed with this process. I am a 33 yo male, I see alot of positive things written about all the surgeons and the one' progress. What kinds of problems if any are people having? What should I expect as I heal from Laproscopic RY is there any pain? How long are people staying out of work for? I am up for a Psych eval and the dietary consult. I don't expect any problems getting through these appts. I expect the surgery to take place some time after that.
on 1/21/07 12:43 pm - Cranston, RI
Welcome Pedro!!!!!! I am almost 6 months out. I had surgery with Doctor Roye. I had surgery on August 3 and was back to work full time in the middle of September. I had lap converted to open. I didn't have any significant pain at all. I don't have any post surgery problems. I am sticking to the rules and everything is fine. It isn't always easy but it has been worth it.
on 1/21/07 11:21 pm - RI
Hi Pedro and Welcome I am having surgery on January 30th. I hope to be laproscopic but have a high probability of being open surgery. You really don't know till you are in the OR. To me the hardest part has been the pre testing. Some of the Dr's offices have been very good and some have not. Some loose the paperwork or don't send it back to your doctor. The Psyc Eval is nothing it went very easy for me and the dietary consult was just someone to set the rules. Depending upon your doctor and how dilligent you are about making your appointments etc the time can run from 6 months or longer before surgery. I have Dr. Giovanni and Dr Pohl and they are very good. They operate at Roger Williams and some of the testing is done there. This board has been a tremendous resource for me with advice and comments from so many wonderful people. The most important things that I heard in the begining were " I should have done it sooner" and " I would do it again in a heartbeat" Those comments helped me make the decision to go forward. Also the help and support of your friends and family is very important. I know my wife won't take no for an answer and intends to be there when I wake up in recovery or she will kick down the door to get there so that the first thing I see is her smile. Best of luck and keep us informed of your progress. Tom
on 1/22/07 12:04 am - Cumberland, RI
Your words are very encouraging. I am planning to have my surgery with Dr. Pohl. I am in the medical field for quite some time. I understand the risks of whta we are about to encounter. The benefits so out way the risks. I am looking forward to tracking you progress Tom. I wish all the best with your procedure. I look forward to getting involved in this form of support.
Kristen *
on 1/23/07 1:29 am - Jamestown, RI
hey pedro! welcome to the board! i'm 9 months post-op and have only had one slight complication. I wouldn't even call it that, I'd call it my own stupidity. I was fairly lax in taking my vitamins - so my Iron and B1 count was low around my 3rd month out. I've been diligent in taking them since, and each time my blood levels are perfect. I've had a ton of abdominal surgery [7 - and all of them were open]. This one, for whatever reason, was the least painful of ALL of them. I ended up with 56 staples - but most won't end up with that many - i had some other procedures done while the doc had me opened up. My scars have healed beautifully, without a hint of infection. To date, I have lost 147 pounds. I have gone from a size 28 to a 12. And... I can't wait for you to exerience life on the other side, Pedro and all of the other newbies coming on board. It is ridiculous how addicting and satisfying losing all of that weight can be. much love and best wishes, kristen* 327/180/150ish? [won't happen without major skin removal]
on 1/23/07 8:44 am - Cumberland, RI
Hello Kristen! Thanks for the information. I really appreciate it. Are you finding people having to have plastic sx to remove excess skin after the weght loss or most people working out to tighten up as much as possible? I can imagine that it has to be a necessity for some to have surgery to remove excess skin due the rapid weight loss. I am kind of hoping that I'm able to be a good candidate for Laproscopic sx. Pedro
Kristen *
on 1/23/07 10:19 am - Jamestown, RI
hi Pedro Most of the people I know who've had the surgery, have had some form of plastic surgery - or want it. even those who work out religiously have needed it. i think the people who haven't needed it, seem to be the "lightweights", really young [like 20 or younger] or those who haven't been overweight their whole lives. This isn't an educated opinion by any means - it's just what i seem to see. Kristen*
on 1/25/07 6:59 am - Cumberland, RI
Psych Consult, Hmmmmm. I got an appointment for tomorrow. I have never been to Psych consult before. Is it pretty smooth sailing? I have the sleep apnea consult on Monday, and meet with the dietician on Feb 2nd. Coming to an end with all the appointments
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