questions for you lurkers, newbies, pre-ops and even you old timers, like me:

Kristen *
on 1/17/07 1:55 am - Jamestown, RI
so, in an effort to get this board a little more vibrant, shall we say... [thanks to Melissa for getting a bunch of lurkers to come out from hiding].. i'm asking all you newbies for a few things. well, you old timers can answer, too.. lol 1. what is your biggest fear when it comes to this surgery? 2. what do you really want to accomplish through surgery? 3. what do you think you'll enjoy most about "post-op" life? i can answer for myself, when i was pre-op, to get things going.. 1. i was afraid i'd never be able to enjoy food like i do. [sooooo not true. i enjoy it almost as much as i did. almost, because i can't use it as a soothing/calming/emotional release like i did - but i sure can eat tasty food.] 2. i wanted to change my habits. and i knew that i'd never be able to without being forced into it. i just didn't/don't have the willpower, or even the real desire to change them on my own. 3. i'm not sure i ever asked myself this question. but, i can tell you that the thing i enjoy most right now - is feeling like a normal person. i don't get stared at like i did, and now if i do - i think, maybe it's because i look pretty cute today...? there's an incredible weight [no pun intended] lifted when you realize that you are no longer being judged or scruntinzed because you are obese. not saying that it's right to let someone make you feel inferior - but let's face it - society isn't kind to fat people. so yeah. i'm curious what all of your thoughts are on this? hope to hear from you and start getting to know all these new faces [before they start melting away.....] kristen*
on 1/17/07 9:10 am - RI
HI! My name is Janet and I am a newbie. Hoping to have lap band and meeting with m Dr on Feb 12th 1. what is your biggest fear when it comes to this surgery? Dying (obvious) mostly hoping I can find another way to soothe myself emotionally other than eating. that is scary to me and why I will continue with therapy 2. what do you really want to accomplish through surgery? A new and healthy lifestyle for me and my kids 3. what do you think you'll enjoy most about "post-op" life? #1 playing and runing with my kids, not so tired all the time, no more back pain, I could go on and on
Melissa D.
on 1/17/07 11:27 am - RI
Very cool and fun topic!!!!!! 1. what is your biggest fear when it comes to this surgery? Making sure I can stick to all the rules!!! 2. what do you really want to accomplish through surgery? Successfull weight loss, decreased knee, back, joint pain, increased energy 3. what do you think you'll enjoy most about "post-op" life? Having some ENERGY and fitting in to places...literally chairs, airplane seats etc.... Thanks Kristen...this was fun and i needed fun today.. Melissa
on 1/17/07 11:53 am - Cranston, RI
Hi, great to see people posting. my answers are as follows. 1.) I was most afraid that I wouldn't know how to take care of myself after surgery. I was pleasantly surprised that the eating protien and making sure I get the right amounts of fluids is not nearly as difficult as I feared. Eating well has been easier than I ever imagined. I'd like to add that I was never afraid of dying. I guess I just had a positive attitude and a lot of faith in Dr. Roye. 2.) I want to enjoy life without worrying about weight related limitations. I was never able to do anything without worrying about something. I would worry about not getting a close parking spot or fitting in the seatbelts on the plane. I would worry about how hot it was going to get in the summer months. Getting clothes that fit me. Oh the relief from these worries is awesome. 3.) Being more carefree!!!!!!! And buying souveneir t-shirts when I go away.
on 1/17/07 1:58 pm - Saunderstown, RI turn #1 - Fears? Other than the "dying" thing, it would be that my working midnights is really going to be a pain in the butt and make things that much more difficult to get on a schedule that works with meals, supplements, etc... #2 - What I want to accomplish? Well...seeing my feet again would be! Mostly to feel like a human being again, have energy and really set a great example for my son so he doesn't follow the same patch I did to get here. #3 - What will I enjoy? Absolutely everything!!! New things, old things, men! lolol!!! Here's an extra one.....what will I miss??? not hitting my boobs with my knees when I walk after losing all that weight! I think I'll manage to live with it though! I got my surgery date with Dr Roye last week - I go to loser status on April 10th! I'm really looking forward to getting started & hoping to make it to the next meeting in February @ RIH. Chari
on 1/17/07 10:06 pm - westerly, RI
Okay - well as you can see I joined in 2006 (spring time) and I posted daily on this board for about a month...then I decided I was going to try and diet (AGAIN) and see if I could lose the weight without surgery. WELL...10 months later (approx) I weigh MORE than I did last April, BUT my exercise tolerance is 100X improved...I walk between 1.5-2 miles every other day, but like I said I have not lost any weight. SSSOOO here I am again investigating the surgery aspect. I have an appointment with Dr. Ryder the end of February (I'm so excited!) and wi**** were sooner, but I'll take what I can get! I already got the referral from my PCP so thats one thing over with! LOL I still haven't decided which surgery I want...I'm going to discuss all my options with Dr. Ryder and see what she feels would be best for my situation and we'll go from there. What I fear - I am a married mom of 4 beautiful daughters and my family supports my decision for surgery 100%. I work in childcare and am ALWAYS on the I'm a pretty active person so being tied down because of the surgery one of the biggest fears for me. What I hope to gain: I hope to be able to go on the playground equiptment with my kids and the kids I watch without feeling like I'm going to get stuck or break it. Being able to walk down a stairwell on the right side and having someone comfortably pass me on the left (them going up - me going down) without me having to turn all sideways for them to pass. thats all I can think of right now...I am also a computer graphix artist....I made my signifies the light at the end of the tunnel for me. I'll add more about me as I think of stuff. Gianna
on 1/19/07 10:09 pm - Chepachet, RI
Hi, it took me a while to get back here and answer these because I was thinking what my biggest fear really is and I think it's a tie btw not making it throught the surgery and not being able to adapt to my new way of eating....I have nightmares that I just had the surgery and ate a whole bunch of stuff way too soon and I didn't even chew it up all the way. Sometimes it's corn and other times it's watermellon...LOL I can understand the watermellon because I LOVE it, but the corn makes no sense to me...LOL Through surgery, I am hoping to get another chance to really live my life...I am such an active person in my body doesn't agree though. And just about everyone on my father's side of the familly is so unhealthy....diabetes, heart disease and all that junk....I don't want to be like them. I have so much left to do with my life I am going to be 30 in August and I really need to get going. I would enjoy having energy and feeling like a normal person. I hardly go anywhere now because I am afraid I won't fit and then I will look like a complete idiot walking out of there with everyone looking at me. I want to feel good and good about myself and mostly I don't want my girls to develop any of my bad habbits....If I can lead by example that would be wonderful..........
on 1/20/07 3:33 am - RI
Hi, I am Tom and my surgery is Jan 30th with Dr Giovanni and I am excited. Only 10 days letf but who is counting Here are my answers. Thanks Kristen for asking this is interesting to see that we all have so many similarities in our answers. 1. I must admit I have fears but I won't let them get in my way. I am concerned about blood clots after the surgery so I will get active with walking at once and keep monitored. I am not thrilled with the fact that I might be an open surgery instead of Laparoscopic. (won't know till on the table) More pain more recovery time etc. The potential need for plastic surgery. I bought a tread mill yesterday and plan on working out like crazy so I can avoid this. I am a workaholic and will die of boredom if I am not back to work ( at least at my desk and computer ) right away. 2. I want to be rid of the pain and discomfort that being obese has, knees, hips, feet etc. and have more energy. No more medication for high blood pressure and dangerous cholesterol and sugar levels. I want to grow old with my wonderful wife. 3. The top ones are: Having more of a life with my wife which will include more travel and fun together. Walking the beach and not being embarrassed. Less pain and more energy. I used to accomplish soooo much in a day. I could put in 12 hours at work and still have time to make furniture or paint and garden, I love to garden. These days I am up at 7 and down for the count by 10. " I want my life back". No more discrimination: Discrimination towards obese people should be a protected class just like race, marital status, sexual orientation etc. Last winter on the way from Fla a couple from Canada were talking about me on the seat in front of me in French . I fell asleep and my arm was in the way in the isle for the cart. They said in French that they should not allow fat people on the plane unless they bought two seats and that if the plane went down I would be the reason. I waited till we landed then told them in French that the plane was in more danger from their ignorance than from me and that they should look in the mirror. I was happier being a good person but that they would always be ignorant morons and always be ugly. They grunted and huffed off. At Legal Sea Foods in Boston a waiter had difficulty getting by my chair because the seating was so close together so he looked at me and said " they should not put fat people in this seat" when I told the manager of this rudeness he offered us free deserts. We walked out and have never been back there. My own dad has made comments about other people being fat right in front of me. Do they not realize that these comments are insulting and can hurt. Lastly the clothes. No more Casual Male Big and Tall, No more JC Penny Big and Tall. I have a large selection of clothes suits etc and I probably will not even be able to give them away to someone who could use them. I know the ladies do clothes swaps etc but I have never even seen a men's consignment store. Look out Armani, Ralph Lauren etc. I will be there soon. Tom
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