What is up with this board???
Hey all, how come this board is sooooooo quiet......LETS JAZZ IT UP A LITTLE!!!!!!!!!!!! I know that there are intelligent funny members out there. These boards are IMPORTANT for newbies like me who are trying to absorb all the info we can about WLS...and also info about those living life after WLS. so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, start posting!!!!!!!!
Maybe we could start out by answering the following question........What is a food that you LOVED before but can no longer tolerate???
Hope to hear from everyone!
Hi Melissa! I am kind of new here....I lurk a lot. I haven't had the surgery yet, but am hoping to at the end of Feb., beginning of March. I am hoping to have the bypass and have finished all my testing. It took a LONG time though....I started in June of 06. I guess it took some longer though so I won't complain. Dr. Pohl is my surgeon. Who are you going to and where are you in your journey?
Well hellooooo there!!!! I am going to see Dr. Elmer Valin in New Haven CT and my first consultation is scheduled for Friday....yipppeeeeee!!! I also attended a seminar with Dr. Ehrlichs group (in CT). I am soooo looking forward to hearing what the office has to say. My husband is also going for consultation on the same day....i will keep you all posted.
i miss wine terribly. technically, yes, i can drink it. but it is sooooo not a good idea. i don't know if it's the combination of the natural sugars from the grapes and the alcohol, but holy jesus - full fledged drunk comes in after about 4 sips.
i can drink beer - an ale, not a lager, so long as it's not carbonated - it goes down well. i can drink vodka tonics. i've had a margarita. none of these have made me feel like wine does, and it makes me sad. lol.
other than that.. i'm pretty cool with everything i eat.
ok, no. scratch that. i miss wonder bread. you know the slice out of the middle of a super fresh bag? yeah. i miss that. one bite of that and i'll be swearing off eating for a month.

Thanks for the info Kristen!! I hope that when all is said and done I will be able to have a couple of drinks now and then...
Every time I eat something...I think about what will I do when I can no longer eat this?? or I wonder if I will be able to eat this?? Sounds like everybody has such different issues with different foods....except for the bread of course!! seems like nobody can have bread anymore no matter what surgery they have....
You are a perfect example of a true inspiration by the way.....

i totally thought those same things.. and for the most part- i'm not eating them. if i'm dying for X, i'll allow myself a bite [on occasion]. a friend of mine got a steak n cheese from d'angelo's the other day. can i just tell you it smelled so good? well, he gave me a bite, without the bread.
i was so thoroughly disappointed.
and then instantly elated. LOL thank GOD it didn't taste as good as I'd thought it would.
and then tonight, we had fresh green beans with pork and mashed potatoes. there was even gravy [that i did have on my pork].. and what did i keep picking at? normally, it would be the mashed potatoes smothered in mass quantities of gravy - but tonight? no, it was the green beans. every day, if i don't get my spinach salad with turkey on it, i'm not happy. and god forbid i make a not so good choice - like the inside of a reuben - i feel gross. i feel greasy. it's so weird.
this surgery really is so weird. it works. from day one, you are forced to learn new behaviors. and i dont know, they just become second nature. you know you eat protein first, then your veggies and rarely, there's room for anything else. you learn how to eat, because you see the results. the reward of losing weight is one of the best motivators ever.
i think i've been really lucky with this whole surgery. but, i think i've been ultra prepared for it, too. the more you know, the easier this whole shebang is. i know OH and Susan Maria and Tek's site are all great resources. I read up on hundreds of different WLS programs all over the US, just to see how different doctors managed their patients after care and post-op diet phases. So, if i found something wasn't working, but knew other doctors tried doing it a different way - i could bring it up with Dr. Roye and see what he thought. sometimes he'd give me the ok, sometimes he'd tell me to stop trying to be the doctor. lol
anyway. i can't wait for you to feel how i feel these days. it's simply amazing. i feel like a brand new person. i AM a brand new person. full of life, life like i've never known possible.
i'll shut up now. i know i can go on and on and on and on..