New Slide Show!!!
Awesome pics!! Does hubby have his own page yet??? My hubby is going for a consultation along side me next would be nice if i could give him info about your hubby.
P.S. Can someone tell me what DH stands for??? I realize its something husband but must be to stupid to figure out the D
Thanks Mel!
I set up a page for him but he's not the "tech type".
He's lucky if he's able to set a digital watch... lol
I call him "HouseHold Handicapped".
If something has directions he's still gotta put f with q and r with b so I do it all around here to save much aggravation on my end..
Anyways I had my surgery June 27 and Hub had his December 28th. He originally went to see Dr. Phole I wanna say two years ago and he told him to lose 100lbs then come back. Needless to say that was a kick in the teeth. He basically gave up thinking it would happen for him. He was about 450lbs at the time he saw Dr. Phole, if he could lose 100lbs on his own I'm thinkin' he would have already. So of coarse his weight climbed to 525lbs after he saw him and we both were getting scared. After all that he ended up with a massive staph infection that to this day we don't know how he got it that went to his heart and he had to have a St. Jude's heart valve put onto his aortic valve. This meant blood thinners for the rest of his life. NOW we just knew surgery was out of the question....
WRONG,... Thank GOD for Dr. Roye!!!
That wonderful, beautiful, caring, funny, compassionate, skilled, man took my husband on with out missing a beat even with his issues...
So he got all his testing done and had to get clearance with his heart doctor who was just about jumping for joy over it and over who was doing it.
Everything was going great THEN the day after Thanksgiving he came down with the worst case of celluitius and was admitted into the hospital for I.V. meds to get it taken care of. We were sweating because we knew if Dr. Roye didn't like what he saw the surgery was off. The second week of December came and he went to see Dr. Roye, he didn't like what he saw and said to come back in a week, in the mean time his PCP upped his augmenton. We kept out fingers crossed and by the second week Dr. Roye cleared him!!!
Because of the blood thinners my hubbys on he had to be admitted early so the day after Christmas, which happens to be his Bday he was admitted into the hospital. First he was in Coop 4 and I have to say the staff up there is amazing!! From there he went for surgery on the 28th and went over to the new ICU step down and the best care anyone could ask for!!
Once the surgery was done we found out my hubby was the first person Dr. Roye has done who is on blood thinners and has a heart valve..
Hubby told me when they was prepping him for surgery Dr. Roye came in and was chit chatting with him. Hubby was a bit quite, Dr. Roye asked him "what's up you ok?" Hubby said "I'm a little bit scared" Dr Roye said "Of what me? This? You're all set man, this is nothing" and he smiled. It completely put my hubby at ease..
Everytime he came in to see hubby he was cracking jokes with us, but also let me tell you when the staff knew he was on the floor, they scrambled as if the president was coming!!!
He's so highly respected there one nurse said to us "You know somebody's good when their peers speak highly of their work". And its true because my PCP's referred me to him because her brother had surgery with him.
I could go on and on and on about this wonderful man who has given me the greatest gift anyone could give....
My Life, and my Husbands life...
He's made it so it is possible that we may be able to live a full, happy and healthy life with our children for years to come...
And for that I am forever grateful that he's entered my life......

we really are so very lucky to have such a wonderful, caring surgeon. i'm actually kind of bummed right now. i had my 9 month appt with him on 1/26, but i had to move it to February because my health insurance doesn't kick in til then. but he's so booked up - I have to wait til March 9th. Which happens to be my 30th birthday. I figure seeing him and knowing how much better I feel than I did during my LAST birthday - is about the best present I could ever get.
You look freaking amazing, Nadene. AMAZING!!!
i think i'm going to need serious surgical intervention to look like you, but i'm okay with that. LOL.