happy holidays everyone!!
i hope all of you have a wonderful holiday season and a great new year.
2006 started out pretty crappy for me [got laid off on Jan 3rd], but has totally turned around and become one of the best years of my life. Mostly due to this surgery.
I am so excited for all of you newbies who are just getting started through those of you anticipating your surgery dates... you are going to make the best life change you could ever make for yourself and your loved ones.
wishing everyone the warmest of wishes,
Hi Kristen,
I hope you have a wonderful holiday too!! As one of the bansters said to me...merry xmas and a skinny new year!! So glad things are on a HUGE upswing for you. You deserve it!!
And happy holidays to everyone else....best wishes for a happy and healthy new year!! we are all on our way!!!
Kristen D
You have a wonderful Holiday too...Guess what, they released my son from Juvy yesterday, what a surprise...It is the best Xmas present I could receive....along with my new granddaughter....
This ended up being the bestest year ever for me, I feel wonderful and according to everyone I look wonderful too...losing 120 lbs feels the best....along comes the guys who pay me compliments all the time, it kind of makes me feel a bit weird I was red faced at work the other day, had to go to the ladies room I was so flustered, but im hoping to get use to it LOL...
Well Merry Christmas everyone...Love to all

Happy Healthy Holidays to all
2006 did not start the greatest for me either. However, by years end things have started to turn around and yes, mostly to surgery also. I'm a real newbie - just 3 wks post op for the band - 20 lbs down and I don't even get my first fill for a few more weeks. The holidays will be a challenge - but then so wasn't bending over and tying my shoes!
Thank you all for your direct and indirect support - just reading your posts and profiles is uplifting. It truly is a season of miracles.
Just remember, sometimes we change the inside by starting with the outside - whatever your goal, I wish you peace and contentment.
Merry Christmas!