Still getting sick...any old timers with any suggestions?

on 11/13/06 9:45 am - Cumberland, RI
Ok, Dr.'s tomorrow. I can keep breakfast (usually cheerios with skim milk) and lunch (cheese stick or cottage cheese) down...keep water down throughout the day...then when I eat dinner...I get sick and can't hold anything down at all the rest of the night. I've tried everything different...chicken, pork, meatball, nothing will stay in. Did anyone else have any issues like this? I already had a short hospital stay Thursday night till Friday night, because I couldn't hold anything at all down, and my potassium was dangerously low...they resolved that. I've been told to just try different things...but no matter what I try, it doesn't stay. Any suggestions would be helpful. I worry about throwing up so much. It's hard to get all the protein if I'm throwing it up. I am currently almost 7 weeks out...with really no problems up until last week. They checked for anything being stuck, and all is clear. Anyone???
Kristen *
on 11/13/06 11:47 am - Jamestown, RI
the only thing i can think of is that your eating habits might be different at night? are you eating too fast, too much - that kind of thing? i'm not sure if you're able to eat during the day without problem - that food would be the cause of the vomiting. you know? so maybe try to really focus on just eating.. making sure you wait at least an hour before and after you eat. all those things they teach us int he beginning. i know it's when i stop paying attention to what i'm doing - that's when i'm going to end up in pain. i wish i had more advice for you! kristen**
on 11/14/06 12:28 am - Cranston, RI
Jess- thats a stinker that u can keep everything down in the day and not at night. It might be acid reflux kicking everything back up in the evening. I dont know that is a tough one to figure out. I hope u get things figure out and I will be watching for ur posts. Ill keep praying for u to have good health again! Shannon
Pam H.
on 11/14/06 9:15 am - Lincoln, RI
Hey Jessica, I started having a problem when I switched protien powders. I always do OJ and protien in the morning and have always used Jay Robb unflavored protien powder. Then, to save money, I switched to a different brand and had trouble keeping anything else down. I wouldn't really call myself an old-timer, I'm 4 months out, but here are my thoughts, for what they're worth. Have you tried mushy kinds of protien at night? Cottage cheese, pudding with protien powder mixed in, eggs, mashed potatoes with protien powder mixed in? Since you're only 7 weeks out and you're having so much trouble, I would stick with liquid protien at night. Since you can keep water down, try Isopure. You can get it at any GNC store. It's like drinking cool-aid but no sugar. It does taste super sweet, so I cut it a bit with crushed ice. One 20oz bottle has 40 grams of protien. It might get you through this bad patch. Have you spoken with the nutritionist? They usually have pretty good suggestions. Do you use a food journal? That really seems to make a difference to check what is and isn't working. You might want to jot down if anything particular happened during the day that may have stressed you out. Our tummies are pretty sensitive at this stage and tend to react to every little thing. Are you feeling supported, anxious??? How about meds? Any change there? Same vitamin? Still crushing pills? Have you started recently taking iron? All of those things could bug your stomach. Hope I've helped, and hope you are feeling better soon. Pam
on 11/14/06 9:45 am - attleboro, MA
Hi Jessica, I am 6months out and still have big problems with protein (i.e. meat, chicken, and some times fish) I cannot eat much, maybe a tablespoon of protein.) At supper, I eat very little, but I keep my supper on the plate and nibble on it during the evening. If I really cant stand it, I keep my salad for later in the evening. I let the romain sit at room temperature, then I add cheese and nuts. I use regular dressing but very little of it and mix it thru the salad. I then take my time eating it. Because its so light I can eat it and feel good afterwards. My doctor wants me to eat three meals a day and drink inbetween but I can't. I sort of graze...i eat maybe 5 times a day. A little here and there. I feel so much better this way. I also take vitamins in the morning which usually is my breakfast because they are so filling with my juice or protein shake and coffee. HOpe this helps. I also have issues with vomiting until a few weeks ago. I am doing much better but it has taken me 6 months to resolve it. Like i said, i graze during the day and my pouch feels better this way. I eat yougert, salad, nuts, a slice of ham with cheese (this I eat very very slowly). Veggies do well for me. Also crackers with a little peanut butter. HOpe this helps......Carol... ps. as far as pasta goes, I cannot eat it at all...and eggs are a problem at times too. Everyone is so different.....
on 11/14/06 8:10 pm - West Kingston, RI
Jess........ I was thinking the same thing as Kristen......perhaps your eating habits are different at night. Don't take my word as gospel cause I don't eat enough protein in a day and never have since surgery. But I try. But I can tell you that I eat a cracker with cottage cheese or a slice of cheese and it's ok, but then at night when I go for more "heartier" items, I find I just don't want it. After a bite, (and I don't feel sick, mind you) I get a feeling of "I'm done". I think I would be sick if I ate it. You absolutely should get checked out cause the throwing up is very bad for you. But maybe try some lighter items at night. Soup...whatever. HUGS honey. FEEL BETTER SOON!!!! Shel
Pam H.
on 11/15/06 5:56 am - Lincoln, RI
Hi Jess, Let us know how you're doing. We're here to help if we can. I'm worried that you haven't posted and I'm getting an "out of office" response to my replies to your post. Pam
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