well just has 8 day stay at local hospital

on 11/16/06 9:43 am - Southeastern, MA
:::tap tap tap:::: KEY WORDS in your post.....YOUR HUSBAND was 500 lbs NOT YOU. You can not put yourself in someone else's shoes...whether you have been married since you were TWO for all it matters. Enough Said on that. Kerry
on 11/16/06 9:45 am - Southeastern, MA
Sorry replied to the wrong post, so I dont think u will get that in email, but im sure you'll catch it here Kerry
Kristen *
on 11/15/06 11:12 pm - Jamestown, RI
Okay.. I'm sorry you thought my post was overly-dramatic. i'm pretty sure when someone tells a message board that they are slowly dying, have been in the hospital for 8 days, don't have access to any of their doctors, and can't get out of the house on their own is a fairly dramatic statement and it may require a dramatic or even drastic measure. personally, i think donna was the one being over-dramatic but that's just me. it sounds like she has heart burn or an ulcer, neither of which will kill you but certainly require medical attention. i find it extremely hard to believe that dr. roye is ignoring her. i'm not even sure why she would go to a hospital in fall river, when the doctor she needs is in Providence. That, to me, makes absolutely no sense. but it was her call and now she's dealing with the consequences. She should've gone to RIH where Dr. Roye could scope her and figure out what is causing the burning. i think what everyone feels is that we can't do anything for her. she needs to be her own advocate - and it really doesn't sound like she's done or doing that [low potassium is dangerous, but easily prevented with good vitamins]. i mean god, i found a staple left in my incision and i called annette. she got me in to see dr. roye within a few hours. if i were to call and tell her i think i'm dying, i haven't anything but soup and water for 8 weeks.. i'm pretty sure that would require even more immediate attention. dr. roye would be so pissed at me if he knew i was only eating soup that far out of surgery. it sounds like she expects everyone around her to cater to her and her needs - and life ain't like that. especially when it comes to this surgery. we are ultimately responsible for our own health and making the decision to surgically alter ones body is a HUGE life-changing event that some people just don't think about clearly or enough, or even realize the risks involved. the whole thing makes me sad. donna didn't seem mentally prepared for the surgery when she first started posting here, and it's clear that she hasn't been doing what she needs to do.. and unfortunately, this is the outcome. i think this is why there needs to be way more psych testing involved with this whole process - not less. i don't mean this to sound hurtful or cruel to donna, because that's not my intention at all. i think she just needed more time to get her head around all the major changes she was about to undergo. just my opinion. unpopular as it may be. Kristen*
on 11/16/06 7:36 am - fall river, MA
dear kristine, overdramatic,,,,humm do you know what ive been through no.....and is anyone ever really prepared for surgery NO....and yea i do think you mean to be hurtful and cruel because its people like you that need to be mean because it probably gets your mind off your own pitiful life...guess what thats my own opinion....i cant eat because of my esophugus ok it hurts i admit i never thought this would be like this if i knew this i would have never done this surgery in a million years ok yea and i feel like im slowly dying wouldnt you if everything was off in your body and you were sick ...ok and i went to st annes because i was taken out of here by ambulance and they have to take you to the closest hospital and as you know that is in fall river not rhode island and dr roye didnt want me there because he \said it was not surgical so they kept me in fall river and when they went to do the upper gi test on day 8 i could not fit in the machine so they were going to send me to rhode island then the insurance company said my lab work came back fine and they werent going to send me no more to rhode island so thats why for the last four days ive been trying to get in touch with dr roye a dr is suppose to get back to you within 24 hours if you didnt know..but you seem to know everything ...thats just my opion ...so when dr roye finally called me back if you read the upper post it will explain everything he was very kind and willing to do all the test yes i am trying to save my own life and you have to watch the dr s and nurses very well because the lady on the side of me in the hospital couldnt fight forherself and she died 3 times because the drs overmedicated her and the nurses gave me the wrong medications two times let me tell you i am fighting for my life ive been trying to eat little peices of this and that i took medications that they made me so sick i thought i would die i admit they want me to take prevacid but i told them it sits like a rock in my stomach and if i ]sound angry i am because i am telling you how i feel i thought i could come here for support not to be humilated and told off by some person like you who wants to put me down i will never let that happen but hey thats just my opinion
Kristen *
on 11/16/06 10:29 pm - Jamestown, RI
so beyond all the other crap this thread has overturned.. have you seen dr. roye yet? if so, what is wrong with you and are you being treated for it? i'd imagine you are, yes? it's been at least 2 days since you posted about it. if you haven't, why not? have the symptoms subsided? so let us know what the outcome of your appointment with dr.roye was.. believe it or not, i'm concerned. i hope you are on the road to getting better - and that's the only thing that counts in this whole mess. thanks. kristen* ps. i truly hope most people don't see me as "holier than thou". i don't know everything - but i know a lot of things and i'm more than happy to share what i know - especially since i'm one of the "older" post ops that regularly posts to this board. if that makes me preachy, than so be it. i think i've helped more people by sharing these things than harmed them..
on 11/17/06 2:06 am - Southeastern, MA
While I have learned some new information regarding this, it changes my opinion of some of it, for that I apologize. I know that sounds cryptic, but I hope you understand Kirsten. I do still think however, some of your posts come accross that way. Im not here to make anyone feel bad. I have also been going through this whole process for a LONG LONG time. LONG time. I posted for the first time here way back in May of 2005. I had been going through this whole process long before that, though. So I also consider myself knowledgable. Kerry
on 11/16/06 9:53 am - Southeastern, MA
While I agree with only a couple of things you said, my real point was the manner in which some of your posts come accross. We dont know Donna. We dont know her situation. You dont know from one, two, or three POSTS on a message board whether someone isnt ready for surgery. Also, You only know dr roye, truly, in YOUR situation. Not saying Dr roye isnt good, I dont know the man. I read your profile once, and you say you cant believe how much drama, or that people come to the message boards to b$tch and complain and you dont understand. That to me says alot. Its the whole "holier than thou" attitude. Honestly, I dont mean any disrespect, but its my opinion. Dont forget where you came (and are still coming) from. You dont know everything. That may be hard for you to hear. Just my opinion- unpopular, Im sure. Kerry
Melissa D.
on 11/17/06 12:05 pm - RI
Well alrighty then....to those who say this message board is for support and compassion let me point out a few things from the ORIGINAL start of this mess......... (my comments are in CAPITAL LETTERS) still no help dr roye has not even called me back today(NOT ASKING FOR HELP OR ADVICE) my whole stomach and throat burns 24 hours a day since surgery and no help (STILL NOT ASKING IF ANYBODY ELSE HAS HAD THESE SYMPTOMS) i have taken every medicine and i cant get no answers (WELL ASK SOMEBODY HERE!!) no test nothing i have diahreare 4 times a day my potassium went so low i almost had a heart attack(MAYBE NOW WOULD BE A GOOD TIME TO ASK OTHERS IF THEY HAVE EXPERIENCED THE SAME SYMPTOMS) i dont know what to do im at my wits end and im not getgting no help from dr roye ....all i want to do is live thats all ive been through hell in the last two months all i can keep down is soup and water(AGAIN ANYONE ELSE?)...im slowly dying....i feel AND SOME MORE FROM ME........IF YOU READ SOMEBODYS BLOG ABOUT PEOPLE B*&&%% AND COMPLAINING......HELLO... THAT IS WHERE PEOPLE SHOULD BI%^$ AND COMPLAIN.....NOT THE MESSAGE BOARD!!!!!!!!!!!! AND IF YOU WANT TO TELL SOMEONE THEY ARE BEING "HOLIER THAN THOU" THAN YOU SHOULDNT BE YOURSELF!! and donna, by the way...you got a caring compassionate response from Pam and NEVER EVEN RESPONDED TO HER!!! my advice....START A BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Melissa
on 11/18/06 9:48 am - Southeastern, MA
Have u had surgery yet?? Obviously, Melissa, you did not understand what I meant. I read her blog where she was saying that she hates when people COME HERE to b%tch and complain. Other than that, your post doesnt really strike me enough, to comment further. Kerry
Kristen *
on 11/19/06 1:38 am - Jamestown, RI
okay... so we're talking about me, again. lol for clarification purposes - my blog was never aimed at this board. i love this board, and up until this thread - i've always thought we all got along really well and were even becoming friends in our new found journey to healthier selves. it was just me, *****ing in my journal, about someone on the main board that bugs the crap out of me because every post she ever makes is some sort of trauma in her life. her kid skins his knee, and she needs the entire board to know about it and pray for his recovery.. that kind of "trauma". but i guess when lives are lived through the internet - that's the kind of thing that happens when groups of people get together online. i'm not a big fan of the drama queen thing and don't really put up with it very well. everyone's got issues in their life and most likely, someone else's issues are worse than yours - so deal with it. yanno? i guess i just see this as a WLS site, not a group therapy site. people should feel free to ***** and complain about WLS til the cows come home..
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