well just has 8 day stay at local hospital

on 11/13/06 7:40 am - fall river, MA
still no help dr roye has not even called me back today my whole stomach and throat burns 24 hours a day since surgery and no help i have taken every medicine and i cant get no answers no test nothing i have diahreare 4 times a day my potassium went so low i almost had a heart attack i dont know what to do im at my wits end and im not getgting no help from dr roye ....all i want to do is live thats all ive been through hell in the last two months all i can keep down is soup and water...im slowly dying....i feel
Kristen *
on 11/13/06 11:53 am - Jamestown, RI
i'd keep calling annette until dr. roye does call you back. why aren't you eating? do you throw it up? or because you don't want to? Donna, saying that you're slowly dying is a pretty strong sentence to put out there.. are you saying someone here needs to call 911? quite honestly, this post has completely freaked me out and i don't know what to do about it. there isn't much that we can do out here if you're this sick.. so please- get in touch with dr. roye. call your PCP and have THEM call Dr. Roye. whatever it takes, but you cannot be passive about it. good luck..
on 11/13/06 6:40 pm - fall river, MA
no i just feel like my body is slowly dying without the proper nutrituion it needs it burns everytime it goes down my throat and into my stomach my pcp put me in the hospital because of the potassium being so low i almost had a heart attack believe me i make the calls ive been looking for help or a rehab or someone to help me ive tried a lot of antacids ive been through hell in the er they were suppose to give me a barium swallow test and i couldnt fit in the local hospital machine so they were suppose to send me to where i had the surgery but my lab work came up that day due to all the iv fluid so the insurance company refused to send me so they sent me home friday so now here i sit again getting sicker and sicker and i called dr royes office yesterday and i swear that annette is so rude if i ever get better im going to her office and asking her why she treats people like that and i never heard from dr roye he has done this to me before .....and last month i was taken to the er in providence and waited 8 hours finally they called him home to come in he was so mad and told me since it was nothing surgical to go home there was nothing he could do...i cried and cried i told him if i have to come back i would send him the bill and he said dont worry he would never see it or pay for it and walked out on me ...the hospital dr er came in and apologized for him....i told my husband if something happens to me to not let him get away with this ....i know there is something wrong my dr gave me prevacid that you suck on i told her it sit likes a rock in my stomach but nobody will listen ....well thanks for letting me vent...donna
Kristen *
on 11/13/06 9:37 pm - Jamestown, RI
if it burns when you eat, could have an ulcer? i don't know, really. don't you have follow up appointments with dr. roye? you aren't that far out of surgery, so you must be seeing him regularly? i know annette can be rude, but don't let that get in the way of the medical attention you think you need. the prevacid should help and i don't know why it's sitting like a rock. it should dissolve in your mouth, right? i wish i could help, but i can't.. dr. roye's always been fantastic with me and so many other people. i dont understand why he'd be different with anyone else. i dont think you need rehab - i think you just need to see Dr. Roye. Call Annette this morning and get an appointment to see him - tell her it's an emergency and then get to his office. that's the only thing you can do.
Kristen *
on 11/14/06 5:04 am - Jamestown, RI
how did your appointment go? are you sure you aren't just experiencing heart burn? many, many WLS patients get this and never get over it. Donna, i really hope you're getting the help that you need. Honestly, it seems like you weren't all that prepared for what this surgery entails and that makes me feel sad. We're here to help - but you have to be the one who helps yourself in life - no one can do it for you. good luck to you!!!
Pam H.
on 11/14/06 9:38 am - Lincoln, RI
Hi Donna, I'm so sorry you are having so much trouble. When I read your post, I had to re-read the doctors name a bunch of times because I've never heard anyone say that Dr. Dean Roye didn't help them. Not that I don't believe you, I'm just astounded. He is also my surgeon and the only negative thing that's ever happened is that sometimes he is brusk because he's rushed or something. Gosh, I wish you'd experience the same kind of caring relationship everyone else has known with him. If you truely are dissatisfied with his care, I think you can request a change in doctors. Try talking with the physicians assistant (embarrassingly, I can't remember her name right now) she might be able to take your call more readily than Dr.Roye. Then if she can't answer your questions, she can relay it to Dr.Roye, or one of the other doctors. You might even try talking with the nutritionsts to see if they have any suggestions regarding acid reflux and foods. Have you requested that your PCP act as a catalyst/liaison to get Dr. Roye to contact you or address your concern? Keep trying until you feel you've been heard. I would also let Annette know that you are scared and frustrated and that you don't mean to take it out on her, but that you must hear back from your surgeon. Ask her to schedule an appointment and put you on a cancellation list, so that the next person who calls in to cancel an appointment, you can go in at that time and sit down with Dr. Roye. Let us know how you're doing. Pam
on 11/14/06 10:39 am - East Providence, RI
Donna I don't know if your a hyper sensitive person and that's why you keep having problems.. I remember back in July you were resistant to go to your teaching class cuze it was 100 degrees out. You stated at the time you was 500 lbs and had 13 stairs to get in and out of your home. Now, since your surgery you have one issue after another. Do you know your recourses? Have you called your nutritionist? Were you aware of how little you were going to be able to eat? Do you eat slow? Do you chew everything to mush? Also, another question to you is, was you completely ready for this? You've said over and over "I almost had a heart attack" Did the hospital tell you this or is this a feeling you had? Have you ever had one before? Do you know the true signs? My husband weighs 530lbs, wears a size 7xl pants and 8xl shirt and having his surgery December 28th. He now has a mechanical valve in his aortic heart valve due to a staph infection that went to his heart almost two years ago . He's gone for so many test due to his heart in preparation for this surgery and has YET to NOT be accommodated for these test. The only issues he's run into is the chairs in the waiting rooms. So I'm baffled as to who's telling you there are no machines to do the tests needed for you. You really need to be an advocate for yourself and push for what you want. And quite frankly if you don't, you have nobody to blame but yourself if your not happy with the way you feel. Only you know how you truly feel and if you don't feel right and you don't push for what you want, in the end who's really to blame?
on 11/15/06 11:12 am - Southeastern, MA
Donna I really feel bad for you. I hope u get help and I hope u let us know the outcome. As far as the responses you got on here, while, I guess, trying to be helpful, seem a bit dramatic and condescending. Dont let this deter you from coming back and telling us what happened. I mean I think when she says "slowly dying" , its just what she meant she felt like. I dont really even think there was a need to mention 911, honestly. AND also---- Im guessing a couple of you really dont know what its like to be 500 lbs, so YES 100 degrees and 13 stairs is ALOT for that type of person. Ive come here quite a few times and read responses that I get the feeling of a "holier than thou" attitude. Remember, we ALL came from the same place. WE ALL had REALLY crappy eating habits. Plain and simple. Having the surgery and losing weight doesnt automatically make us better than some people. JMO take it or leave it Kerry
on 11/15/06 3:25 pm - East Providence, RI
~Grabs Soap Box And Climbs Up~ :::TAP, TAP, TAP, THIS THING ON?::: Excuse me... " I'm guessing a couple of you really don't know what its like to be 500 lbs, so YES 100 degrees and 13 stairs is ALOT for that type of person." Did you even read all the way to the bottom of my post? Let me copy it for you: And I quote "My husband weighs 530lbs, wears a size 7xl pants and 8xl shirt and having his surgery December 28th." I have been with my husband for 15, yes, I said fifteen years and when I met him he weighed in at 350lbs so its not like I met him small and he put on weight later. I was 21 and he was 19. All my friends tried to talk me out of dating him, saying things like "You like HIM?" and "Him, the fat kid?" My own mother, who's not so tiny herself would make comments like "if we all go out for dinner HE'S not ridding in my car! It's new and I don't want it to sag!!" and "make sure he sits in the folding chair, I don't want him breaking my furniture" When our youngest son was born a friends mother said "you aren't going to let him get fat like his father I hope." We'd go to the mall and as people walked by I would hear the remarks and the whispers "look at him, or OMG HE'S HUGE" I would be the one to whip around and tell people to f$%K them selves as my hubby would just let things go. You see the ******** didn't relies we were together and once they knew we were their faces would drop a mile. So don't you DEAR say I don't know what its REALLY like to be 500lbs . My hubbys 530lbs, his sister who had surgery two years ago was 350lbs, his father is 300lbs, his uncle is 575 and his aunt is 275lbs. My god mother is 5 feet tall and 250 and my own mothers not far off from that... Some other things I think you should know before you assume things.... Did I also mention that my hubby does landscaping for a living??? So when it was 103' this summer and you were probably home in ya air conditioned home you know what he was doing???? Mowing lawns, building rock walls, operating a backhoe and putting down mulch in hot sticky stiff dark blue uniforms... At 530 lbs. Did I mention he jumps in and out of dump trucks and full sized street sweepers too??? Did I also mention we live on second floor also? Did I mention he's got a mechanical valve in his heart and is on blood thinners, water pills, and blood pressure pills? Did I mention when he goes in the our bathroom he has to go in side ways because he doesn't fit through the door??? Did I mention he's broken the toilet off my bathroom floor not once but twice this year alone? Did I mention we had an all expencises paid trip to Disney and all four parks a few years back and because of his size he couldn't go one even ONE ride??? At the air port they publicly humiliated him on the way home from Disney about his size and that he'd have to by another ticket because he takes up two seats even though on the way to Disney it was fine because he was sitting with our son. So the trip of a lifetime quickly became the nightmare that wouldn't end..... We did Six Flags last year and again not one ride could he go on.... He wouldn't even do the water park because people look at him like he's a side show freak.... As a kid he didn't have a bike, he was to big. He didn't play football, he was to big. He didn't have trendy clothes, he was to big.. Do you know bad I'd love to wave a magic wand and take wipe away the 34 years of discrimination he's endured... As a wife of 15 years it kills me to see how people think he's just the happy go lucky fat guy that everyone can crack on cuze "he's cool like that" when in fact its not "cool" at all... And let me tell you something else, I work in retail and I see so much discrimination every day all day against people of size it makes me ill.. People will offer to help the pretty ones, the trendy ones, the tall ones, the skinny ones but yet look past the big ones. I can whole heartily say that because of my husband, I will and DO go the extra mile for people of size because I know what a rotten world it is for them sometimes. It makes me feel good to know that maybe just maybe "I" was that one person who treated them like a human and not like they were defective. Ya know, I know why they might have a stain on their shirt, its not cuze they're lazy, it's not cuze there slobs when they eat. It's more then likely the only shirt they have because not much more comes in their size and when it does it cost as much as a utility bill. I know why they are sweating profusely just going from point a to point b. I would be too if I was wearing an extra layer of "ME" all day long too... You see, I "get" their pain. At my highest I was 5'5 and 252lbs and while that is not 300lbs or even 400lbs DO NOT for one minute think I don't know what its like in the shoes of someone much larger.... You Would Be Oh So Sadly Mistaken............
on 11/16/06 7:23 am - fall river, MA
first of all let me reply to you nr a......you should get your story straight first and know all the facts before you blast somebody ....and let me get one thing clear with you first before we begin its your husband that weighs 500 lbs not YOU ....ok so whatever he has been through its him ..not YOU...you talk like you have been living the life of a 500lb person no you havent yea you do live with a person who weighs 500lbs but you havent been in his or my shoes and until you do then you cant talk i havent been as mobile as your husband has i have been imobile for two years this is why i couldnt make it back in july ...your husband sounds like he has been very mobile so until you know my situation please dont judge me and your husband may be alright now ..but what after surgery he cant move because let me tell you when your over 500lbs it does a number on you i have been researching this surgery for two years i knew what i was getting into and yes i chew my food and yes i do this and i do that i went into the hospital because i cannot eat the food to get the nutrition because the burning is so bad that it hurts my stomach i went in for 8 days and yes they put me on telementary the heart ward because my heart was in danger for having a heart attack and i was very sick and for dr roye today was day 4 and no call back i had to call the administration office and tell them i was recieving no calls back and i told them about what he did to me in the er 4 weeks ago he yelled at me and a resident so the hospital called dr roye and guess who called me in 20 minutes good old dr roye saying he didnt get my messages they were lost on his desk and acting so kind and ordering all kind s of test ....im not stupid i know he was pissed off at me dr.s are not god ok they are human and if they are mad they are mad...and another your not the one who is 500lbs so remember that the next time you send your husband out in 100 degree heat maybe you should tell him hun dont go and let the poor guy rest
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