Hello everyone! I have been considering surgery for the past 2 years. I am just now making a commitment to get it done....I have heard about how long the process is. As I surfed the web I was happy to find this site, your message board is very friendly and I look forward to your help and support. I also hope I can be of support to others....Looking forward to this journey!!!
Melissa :-)
Hey Melissa,
Welcome! People on this site are awesome. Have you been to any of the meetings? I'm not really familiar with how far away Westerly is. The Weight Loss Support Group meetings are soooo helpful. It's fantastic to be able to talk openly about anything that you want to know about or feel. I say that knowing that I missed tonight's meeting and I am bummed.
Anyway, although the process is a bit daunting, it is totally worth it and it will go by relatively quickly since you will be so busy having all the tests done.
Congratulations for making the first big step!

Hi Pam,
Thanks for your reply. I have not been to a meeting yet....Westerly is bordering Conn and my PCP is in Mystic so until i see him on Nov 28th, I am not sure wha hospital or surgeon he may recommend...I am getting so much out of reading these post and member's blogs...it has been great!!!!!!! I think my next big step will be giving up smoking...........does anyone know how long you have to be smoke free before being considered for surgery????