Open RYN Hospital Stay, About How Long?
Hi All!
Ok I have a question for all who have had RYN but open not scope.
How long was your hospital stay?
I know everyone is different, but I need some input to be able to gauge how many days and what days I'm going to put in to be off for hubby when he has his surgery. He has to go in two days early so they can take him off his cumiden for surgery.
I have vacation time to use at work but because we are retail they blocked out the time frame from thanksgiving through new years for vacations. I had told them about my husbands surgery coming up and asked if things could be "adjusted" so I could take my vacation to be able to be with him.
Well I got the ol' "Well we really can't approve any vacation time around that time."
Mind you I was only asking for a few days as I can also use my regular days off too. All I would need is to use three vacation days off then use my regular two days off to have a full five off.
So I was asking for three days off period...
I still got that stupid look like well sorry but..
I was so pissed I looked them straight in the face and told them out right if they don't let me use either personal days or vacation time I WILL use the family leave act and take all the time I need because I didn't use that when I was out, and as for as I know I'm allowed 6 weeks! I went on to blurt out, "My husband isn't going in to skip around the friggin halls!!! He's on blood thinners, he has a artificial valve placed in his aortic valve and any surgery not just this surgery is a risk for him... . So tell me what's it gonna be, three days or six weeks? You decide and get back to me"....
They know when I was out I took a medical L.O.A. so if I use the family leave act now it will not count against me.
THEN in what seemed to take a milla-second for their brains to process what I just laid on them I got,
"OOOooooh I thought you were saying you needs more time then that, yeah I think we can do something...."
Yeah, I thought so......
This is the store where not only do their prices drop
, but so did their faces
.... HaHaHaHaHaHa

on 10/28/06 1:35 am - RI
on 10/28/06 1:35 am - RI
BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO, Good for you!!! I do not have the answer to your question but I just wanted to say Bravo for standing up for what you wanted. This forum has helped me learn that that is a big part of the process from decision to surgery and you are a good example to everyone here. Kepp it up. Tom A.
hi nadene..
i've had a lot of open abdominal surgeries [6 so far]. i've never been in the hospital less than 3 days. the longest was 7. the WLS was the shortest stay, even though it was the longest incision. no idea why?
my one piece of advice - you are going to need to be there when he gets home - more so than when he's in the hospital. when he's in the hospital, yes - it's lonely, but he has nurses to care for him. and when he's not walking or eating, he's going to be resting and really not up for much more than an hour's visit at a time..
when he gets home.. he's going to need help with *everything* for at least 3 days. cooking, showering, bathing, walking, bar tending [for the shakes!].
that will be when he needs you most - so my suggestion is to not waste your days off when he's int he hospital. maybe see if you can leave by 3pm or something so you can spend the night with him.. but the crux of your time off should probably be used when he won't have anyone to care for him - when he's home.
good luck and i'm so happy things are working out..
-120 lbs in 6 months.