I am not cleared
Hey Kerry,
I was really upset last night and I didn't include a lot of details and I am sorry. The person I saw was at random I guess. She told me that I am too down and depressed. That I am an emotional eater. She told me all this in 10 minutes and didn't talk to me about anything really and told me that she is not clearing me. So fine. I called and I am going to someone she gave me. She wanted me to see her and she was kind of cold and abrupt with me. I didn't feel comfortable or that she wanted to listen to me or anything. I didn't like how the question were yes and no and that you couldn't explain or talk about anything in the first portion. I think it should be the psychatrist that is looking at you that should ask you the questions and go over things and get to know you from talking with you and not third person. I think she should have talked with me more than 5 minutes before telling me I am a lost cause and that the surgery won't help me in feeling better. She just ripped the little bit of hope I had. I am not giving up. I just really low now. I know a lot of my saddness I have now is the fact I can't stay on a diet and I keep adding more weight. The sooner I can get reall aggressive help with my weight the better I will be. The more I can exercise. Oh and she told me I need to exercise more. Get these things in place before I have surgery. I told her I am working on it. I was trying to talk with her and it seemed like she would not have any of it. So I will go to the eating disorder therapist and I will see if I got with her that I will get cleared through her. I hate that a person that hasn't met me or talked with me before has the right to stop me from something I want.
Holy crap, Jamice, I am SO sorry.
I read so many horrible stories here about bad psych evals. It's just such BS in my opinion. You're right--how can someone who had only spoken to you for a few minutes and had you fill out yes and no questions only (no "on a scale from 1 to 7"???) determine whether you should have surgery?
AND, more importantly, aren't MOST overweight people to some extent emotional eaters? Do people really get to be severely overweight b/c they ALWAYS feel physically hungery?
This totally stinks for you and I feel really bad. I guess just jump through the one more hoop they/she wants you to jump through, which is seeing this eating disorder person. Is it another therapist? Did you get any indication of how long you need to see this person? Do you go back to the same shrink for another eval after a period of time? I'd try and see someone else, if possible, since you didn't have a good experience with her and didn't feel comfortable.
It might also be worth calling Dr. Pohl's office to see what they can tell you/recommend.
Please keep us posted.

I tried this morning to call Dr. Pohl's office. I didn't get an answer. So I emailed him. I called and made an appointment with the therapist that she wanted me to see for an eating disorder. She said maybe 6-8 wks. I might be cleared. I am trying to get things done that need to be done. I have no problem with going if that's what I need to do. But, I don't think it's fair to judge anyone the why they do it. I don't think it's right that they aren't the ones that are giving the interview and questions. I feel like that something that should have been done one on one and that way they can get a better understanding of the person and not go third person way.
I called one of my closest and dearest friends when I was outside of the building crying in my car. She was saying it's not fair for someone that is honest and deserves it and that will be willing to work and follow the rules is getting denied. We have two other friends that passed with flying colors because they lied. I was temped to say what I needed to say to get cleared. But that's not honest and I know that I do need some help. But I think I should have been cleared conditionally. Not telling me to wait a year to see if my life gets better.
Hi was it a blonde russian acent phsyitrist. On plain st. Prov.. She war a ***** to me and tryed to discourage me and sait I May have a problem and I didnt have any so she said she would put me thru and I should go back in a few months I agreed to . **** I wouldnt call there a gain she is a nut!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take care and push to see this thru and it will be worth the time - elaine
on 10/27/06 7:32 am - RI
on 10/27/06 7:32 am - RI
Hi Jamice, I am sorry to hear your news today. I hope that things will work out and that you will soon be back on track. Sometimes things happen for a reason OK I know u have heard that one before but it really is true sometimes. I agree that people can not evaluate you in a few minutes or even in a short period of time but I think once the new therapist gets to know you and sees the real you things will be fine. Consider it just a turn in the road and not a detour. Everything worth while takes some effort. Find you inner strength and march forward. Keep us all informed of your progress. All The best Tom A.