trouble sleeping?????
Has anyone had trouble sleeping after surgery. I've only been home from the hospital 5 days, but I've found that I can't fall asleep before midnight and i'm up every couple of hours. I used to be able to sleep from 10pm-7am. Has anyone else found that they are having trouble sleeping? I'm still not able to sleep in my bed. I've been sleeping in my recliner.
Hey Kelli,
I don't know about you, but I did not get any sleep in the hospital. They woke me every 1-2 hours for blood pressure and blood sugars...that would throw off your sleep patterns as well. And sleeping in the recliner is different and would most likely disrupt your sleeping patterns as well. Are you napping during the day?? That would effect it too. Good luck and I hope you get into your bed real soon. That makes a HUGE difference...last night (my 1st night home) was heaven to sleep in my own bed. Uncomfortable, but heaven!!
Take care and hope you are doing well
Kristen D

ok, so I'm a weirdo..........again.
I'm a terrible insomniac, so I didn't really notice anything different. I didn't sleep back then and I didn't sleep when I got home. I get sleepy all the time. I left work yesterday to come home and take a nap. Jeez. I never used to sleep like this. But just goes to show I do everything backwards most of the time anyway...this is no exception. lol.
I hope it gets better for you soon.