had kidney stone went to rhode island hospital

on 10/19/06 2:45 am - fall river, MA
i was very scared went to rhode island hospital had dr roye tell me to come from fall river to rhode island by ambulance waited 8 hours in er finallyh around 2 am they decided i could go home they said kideny stones and one of the dr s woke up dr roye from bed to come down to the er to check me out lets just say he wasnt happy i told him i did not want to go home and come back again with this terrible pain he said there is nothing i can do about it i said well what if we admit me like the other dr said and keep my pain under control till we definitly know what it is because i have clots coming out of me the size of golf balls it takes a lot for the fire dept to get me out of the house i weight 400lbs i lost96lbs in 8 weeks he said no go home and he started yelling at me and throwing up his hands and i said this dr said i could stay the night and he said he doesnt know notghin nothing hes a nobody only a resident we really got into a fight and then when i said well i will send you the bill when the er has to take be back to the hospital he went out of the room laughing saying i dont care i dont have to pay for it i started crying and couldnt breath had to have the heart dr come down but they all were so rude i use to think dr roye was nice....so another dr came in after dr roye left and he said i apolagize for dr royes behavior and gave me some medicine for the ambulance ride home because they were going to give me some pain meds for the ride home and dr roye canceled it and was going to give me motrin and the other dr knew that wasnt right and gave me what they were giving me all along a lot of people want me to say something about this and how iwas treated what do you people think>?
on 10/19/06 6:43 am - East Providence, RI
Ok I'm scratching my head...... "dr roye canceled it and was going to give me motrin" Now THAT scares me....... WLS people with RYN can NOT have motrin EVER...
Kristen *
on 10/19/06 7:10 am - Jamestown, RI
i thought the same thing, nadene. but there are many different schools of thought on the whole NSAID thing. some think we can have them, just not all the time.. some think they're little devil pills. I find it odd that Dr. Roye would prescribe them at all- and I find it even odder that any doctor can cancel out another dr's order. but that's just me. i don't know what to think about the whole situation, really. i think it sucks that donna has a kidney stone. but they're very common if you aren't drinking enough. they're common enough that i'm not sure why dr. roye was pulled out of bed for it, either.. donna, i'm not sure i understand the whole situation correctly. i don't know why the firemen have to get you out of your house anymore.. and why you thought you needed to stay at the hospital - because people generally don't stay for kidney stones, if i'm correct.. i just hope that you are getting better and can move on from this whole incident. it sound like everyone involved wasn't at their best. hugs, kristen*
on 10/19/06 11:32 am - West Kingston, RI
Donna: Kristen said it best when she said maybe all parties were not on their best behavior....and I know it must have been hard with the pain and all. But I can't believe Dr. Roye didn't care about you. I'm not saying you're mistaken, but it's just so hard to even wrap my head around. I know I was told "TYLENOL" only. So again, sounds weird to me that Dr. Roye would do something like that...but again, not saying your wrong. I feel so bad for you that you were in pain and felt that Dr. Roye didn't appreciate your situation. Perhaps you should talk to him again to help clear things up. He's human too and maybe getting out of bed put him in a "mood". I don't know. But like everyone else, I'm just hoping your're feeling better now. Best wishes. Shel
on 10/22/06 6:03 am - fall river, MA
see i went to mylocal hospital and they discovered the kidney stones dr roye is the one who told st anne s to send me to rhode island hospital in case something else was going on because i was also bleeding from my period giant blood clots so i went to rhode island they put me in a room for 8 hours never seen a dr gave me some pain shots about 5 or six then at 2 am a resident came to tell me ok your going home i said i never even seen dr roye he is the one that called in dr roye out of bed dr roye was not happy about that and i wasnt happy that they wantted to send me home without even being checked out or anything so dr roye got angry at the resident and told me he 8 years my junior he doesnt know anything and i told himm i dont want the fire dept to get me outof the house again and he said there is nothing i can do im not keeping you overnight i said its already 2 am he said you had 11 shots of pain medicine i said there is no way in hell i had 11 shots because sometimes htey they would want to give me two mgs and i said no itg it makes me feel weird something sneaky was happening in that hospital let me tell you because one nurse would give me an injection in one arm and it would feel weird then another one would go behind me and give me one and nothing would happen i had two ivs in...anyways i said if i had to come back i would send you the bill dr roye and he laughed at me and said i wont get it so i dont care adn walked away then i coulodnt breathe i guess from all the stress and had palpitations and he just walked away let me tell you because i still cant eat and im still in pain if something happens he will be held liable because i get sicker by the day and weaker but there is nothing i can do im just sitting here waiting wondering why am i dying in front of my 7 year old he sees me cry every second....its not right its just not right
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