Help...not losing...

on 10/17/06 10:16 pm - Cumberland, RI
Ok, now I know we have time where our weight doesn't move, but what the heck. Since my appt last Thursday I've only lost 1 lb. I'm getting really upset, starting to get disappointed. I understand that I'm not going to drop 100 lbs in a month, but hell, I thought after this huge open bypass surgery, that caused so much pain, I would have some results, a little better then what I'm doing. I feel like I'm not eating hardly anything, and not dropping, I just don't understand it. It's so discouraging. Anyone with words of wisdom, please pass them on. I do walk a little every day. My usual eating consists of...1/2 packet of the weight control oatmeal (8am), 1/2 cup cottage cheese (11am), 1/2 cup refried beans with sour cream (2pm), and 1/2 cup spaghetti sauce with mon. cheese and cottage cheese (6pm) and drinking the whole day (water or crystal lite). Why am I not losing??? HELP. Shelli, Shannon, Elaine...anyone else experiencing this?
Kristen *
on 10/17/06 11:13 pm - Jamestown, RI
you aren't losing because your body is freaking out right now. think about it- you just cut your entire stomach open, which pretty much is like being stabbed, only you weren't awake for it. your body is hurting and trying to heal itself, so it is trying to hold onto every single ounce of energy it has. on top of that, it thinks you are starving it, and going into what is known as ketosis. because of this, and also because you're a woman - your body is doing everything it can to hold onto every single pound. luckily, because you are only eating around 2-300 calories at this point, you ARE going to lose weight. there is no medical way around it. it will pass. keep doing what the doctor says - if he says to eat 4 oz. at a time, then do it. if he says, 2 oz.. do it. The weight will come off, I promise! I'm not sure what date you had your surgery, but be prepared your weight loss may be different than anyone else's. i'm curious though, what about your protein intake? you didn't mention anything about the shakes. at this point - you HAVE to drink them. you cannot get in the required amt of protein through food alone right now. so drink up! lol i know that i lose about 10 pounds in a week, and don't lose anything for 3 wks out of the month. that's how i am. a friend of mine loses 2-3 pounds a week. everyone is sooo different. it's going to take awhile for you to figure out what your pattern is.. but for now... stay off the scale!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL problem solved. kristen*
on 10/18/06 4:25 am - Cumberland, RI
I haven't really done much for protein shakes cause my stomach can't handle it...but I do eat some meats, cheese, lots of stuff with protein in it. I do at least 40 -50 g protein in a day, doctor said that was ok for now. Eat a lot of cottage cheese which has 15 g each time and I usually have 2 a day so that's 30 alone and then tuna or meatball with sauce for dinner gives me another 15 or so. It's just so frustrating. I just want to drop it all tonight! Thanks for your input.
Kristen *
on 10/18/06 6:39 am - Jamestown, RI
oh ok, good. i'm glad you're getting in your protein. i thought you were only a week or two post op, but you must be much farther out than that! everything will fall into place.. trust us!
on 10/17/06 11:22 pm - Cranston, RI
Hey Jess!! I know the feeling, I have been at a stall for 7 days now and I lost 21 pounds. I am not even getting in what u r eating a day. at (8am) I have a protein shake, (12pm) 2oz cottage cheese, (3pm) 2oz chili, cannot do refried beans, (7pm) 2oz sf pudding. I do sip all day long. People say that u have a big stall between the 3 and 4 week, but u will be losin inches. It is very discouraging and it has been a rough road for me where a lot of days I do not know which is is up.. I do believe we will get through this!! Shannon
on 10/18/06 8:44 am - West Kingston, RI
Hi Jes...... I hear's going slow for me too. Now I'm down to 301, but can't make that dip under 300 pounds. And if that doesn't suck enough, when I wake up tomorrow, I'll probably have 2 pounds of that back. LOL. I only have one protein shake a day cause I seem to be getting enough in now. I don't eat least compared to what I used to eat. So I agree with you,'d think pounds would just be falling off. I've felt that discouragement too. A bit frustrated. But I did hear that this would happen. I'm still not getting enough water.....but my intake is going up gradually. I'm down 36 pounds and I'm ok with that. I want to see some more results too, or at least want to know that I WILL eventually. Jeez. Who ever said this was easy???? I'd like to kick em hard in the shin. HUGS...stop worrying. I'm just happy you're feeling better and eating and getting around. I was really worried about you in the beginning. As Kristen said, give yourself a break. It's true...we have been through a pretty traumatic event. We need to be more patient. *wink* I'll try to take my own advice. HUGS again. All my best Shel
on 10/18/06 11:01 am - Cranston, RI
Hi Shelli- In some way glad we are all in the same vote. I hear ya on everything. it has been a very trying couple of weeks. I see Dr.Ryder tomorrow for my first postop appt. Hang in there!!! We are doing great!!! Shannon
Kristen *
on 10/19/06 12:05 am - Jamestown, RI
shelli!!!!! 36 pounds in how many weeks??? not even months - but weeks!!!???!!!??? please don't tell me you're already discouraged.. cuz that's just silly. just go with it! it'll come off.. we promise! besides, the faster you lose, the faster your skin sags. i never thought i could wave AND clap with one hand at the same time. now THAT's sexy. big hugs kristen*
on 10/19/06 11:23 am - West Kingston, RI
Kristen: ROFLMAO!!!!! OK, OK, I get the point. I promise to be "less" impatient. ....."wave and clap at the same time". I needed that laugh. however, I doubt I'll be laughing when it finally happens, huh? Love ya. Shel
on 10/18/06 12:20 pm - East Providence, RI
Hay Jess, I so felt your pain hun! I had my surgery June 27th and at my first visit July 14th I was down a mere 10 pounds. Let me tell ya I was bummin. my second visit wasn't all that I was expecting either with a loss of 17 pounds roughly a month later on August 18th. I swore up and down I was the slowest loser on the planet and just knew I was going to be that one person that surgery was not going to work for. I was thinking I went through all this crap for this! Well here I am 3 months and 3 weeks out and I'm down 55 pounds!!!!! I've gone from a size 22 pants to a size 12 misses and a 14 jr's!!! I find on the weeks that I make it a point to push my protien in and my water I lose the most. I chow on beef jerky almost all day long!!! I've taken to pre cooked microwave bacon too. I get it at Sam's Club, 72 pieces for 9.00-i****'s great cuze you can put it on top of tomatoes with cheeze, or just zap it for a quick protien lift. Don't get discoraged, your not alone, I've been there and it sucked big time!!! It will pass I promes!!!! Hugs NaDene
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