How did you finally come to the BIG decision?
I am thinking about going for surgery myself.
How do you decide that it is the right decision??
Then how do you decide on which is the best procedure for you???
I don't really have friends that are as big as I am. When I tell them that I am thinking of having surgery they seem repulsed by the idea. I tell them with a BMI of 49.9 that I could die from just being fat.
I have been waking up with headaches lately. I think that because of sleep apnea I am not getting enough oxygen. Has this happened to anyone else???
Thank, Paula

Hi Paula,
I'm new here but have been considering having bypass surgery for about 6 months now.
I found that learning and reading everything I could get my hands on was a big help. I even went to a 3hr seminar that explained both the bypass & lap band in detail with all the pros & cons was a huge help too. After that, I met someone who was 15 months post-op after having the bypass. I asked everything I could think of.
As far as friends & family are concerned....mine are split pretty evenly between being supportive and being shocked I'd even consider such a thing. (my BMI is 41) The way I look at it is that I'm finally doing something healthy for me. I have sound reasons for my decision so I'm greatful for the people who are supportive & just figure that those who aren't either don't understand because they've never been in my situation or are just concerned for me.
Hopefully this will help a little :)
for me, it was the realization that i was never going to get the weight i needed off, and keep it off - without some serious intervention. this surgery seemed perfect.
on top of that, i needed some other surgical procedures done.. so, it just made sense. if i had to be opened up - then now is the time - kill 3 birds with one stone kind of thing.
i wanted the RNY. i wanted dumping syndrome. I wanted serious restriction. i wanted the stability of a known surgery, and i wanted a surgeon close by who has had a phenomenal record of success.
so i went to dr.roye. couldn't be happier!
327(start), 218 (current), 145 (goal)
in less than 6 months, at 5'4
on 10/17/06 1:39 am - RI
on 10/17/06 1:39 am - RI
HI Paula, I am new here but wanted to share my thoughts. I am currently working through my doctors appointments and hoping to have my surgery soon. This forum helped a lot by reading the posts but I also spoke directly to people who have already had the surgery. Everyone said their only regret was that they did not do it sooner. That made a great impact on me. I am 175 overweight BMI 47.5 am pre diabetic with high insulin levels very high blood pressure sleep problems and lots of pain in joints. This had a great impact as well as the horifying discrimination that I get as an overweight person. Surgery does not frighten me but anestesia does but I am determined to make a better life for me and my family. I have many people who depend upon me to help them so I feel that I am destined to get well through this surgery. I am focused on the end result. I can accomplish more, help more, a better wardrobe but moltly live longer to enjoy the company of my loving wife and my friends. Thich procedure is a personal decision. Research it and talk to people to determine which is best for you. For me the headaches are a part of the sleep problems but now I am focused on the better life ahead. Best wishes in making your decision and getting on the road to your new life.
Hi Tom,
Thanks for your insight. I hope that all goes well for you. I sorry to hear that you have the headaches too. I have been sleeping in a chair for about 5 months and if I go to bed I sleep on numerous pillows to help keep me elevated to keep my sleep apnea under better control. I just got the names of a surgeon from my Primary and also my Gastroenterologist, luckily they both gave me Dr. Roye. So now I will have to call for a consultation. I totally agree with you on the discimination issue, people feel that it is totally acceptable to make comments out loud without any regards for anyone's feelings. I know it has been an issue at work also to some degree.
Thanks, Paula
on 10/18/06 6:11 am - RI
on 10/18/06 6:11 am - RI
Hi Paula, I too sleep on three pillows for my Hydial Hernia and because it is important for your head not to tilt downwards I have been told. I have had good luck with one of them being a tempurpedic pillow becasue the memory foam is relaxing to your neck. Tempurpedic is an expensive pillow but the other two are reasonable. I have learned to use the Temporpedic pillow in the middle as it also retains heat and can be too warm. This has helped a lot. Are u taking blood pressure medicine? if so that can also cause headaches. My Primary Dr Dr Gilson at Healthway RI gave me Dr. Pohl for a surgeon and I attended his seminar at Roger Williams. Anyone can go and it was very informative. Again All The Best, Thomas
Hi Tom,
Thank you so much for your suggestions. I do have a Temporpedic pillow, but I have not found it very usefull yet. I keep trying all different configurations of pillows.
Luckily, I do not have high blood pressure. It amazes the doctors each and everytime they take my pressure. I certainly will look into attending one of the seminars.
Please keep me updated on your surgery. I am wishing the best for you.
Are they going to fix your Hernia during the surgery?
Thanks again, Paula

on 10/19/06 1:00 am - RI
on 10/19/06 1:00 am - RI
Hi Paula, Good to hear from you also. Yes I have been told that they will fix the hernia as well which will be great I have had it for 20 years and can't wait to get rid of it. Besides they get to charge more so maybee they will get me in sooner :) lol.
Stay well and we will keep in touch. Tom