Hi Elaine
Hey there Elaine,
Just wanted to follow up with you and see how things are going?? How are you feeling these days?? What are you eating these days??
I am getting kind of nervous now but really, really excited!! I went out on Monday and bought chewable vitamins, chewable tylenol, EAS whey powder, malox gas chewables. I hope I didn't forget anything...how long was it until you could drive??
Is one week going to be enough for me?? how did you feel after the one week mark?? sorry so many questions, but I am trying to be prepared....and did you get staples or stitches?? how long after did they come out?? I have a milliion things running through my head....ahhhhh!!!!
thanks in advance!!
Kristen D

Hi kristen as of today im still on the clear liquid diet and I think I have lost 20 pounds in 2 weeks. I go and see dr . Roye tommorow. And then I hope to progress to puree and baby foods. Im hungry by night time . I am now so I just took my puppy for another walk she is loosing also .Oh and as far as staples or stitches???? Neither ;; I was so shocked to look and see he used medical super glue. Its great and very comfortable. So I feel that after the first week of liquids its not so bad. But by the second week your ready for food.
I started to drive on the 8th day and 1 week is enough I had this week off and did a lot of errands and some nice me things and tommorow after my appointment my husband and I are going to the cape before I go back to work. And I have had enough time at home so I really feel ready to go back to wiork.
Oh dont forget to get a chap stick balm for after surgery. Your mouth and lips will be so dry. I guess thats it your on top of things and ill check back with u Sunday night when we come home take it easy
elaine m.
Wow, congrats on losing 20 lbs!! Good luck at your appointment. That is great no staples. And that you are getting around well. 2 weeks of liquids huh?? So do you at least get the protein shakes or is it just the clear broths, etc?? Did you have to do an upper GI before they sent you home??
I will have to remember the chap stick. So glad to hear you are doing so well...you are an inspiration for me
Have fun at the cape...oh yeah, and so glad you are doing things for you. I should go get a dog or borrow my neighbors to get my walks in....lol...but I don't think my spoiled brat kitty would appreciate a dog in the house.
I am nervous, but more excited than anything!! I know that you are supposed to slow down on weight loss until you start getting fills..but holy mackeral...20 pounds!! That is so unbelievably awesome!! I am sure you are already feeling great. Keep in touch and let me know how your appointment went as well as your weekend!!!