I am getting so excited as I imagine quite a few others are to that are having surgery this upcoming week. I did not realize how fast the time flew for me over the last couple of weeks. I have been so busy with life lately it just flew by. Without this board I would have so scared and crazy or insane by now. I may not post everyday but I do read the posts everyday, it is like I am addicted to this site. To all my SURGERY SISTERS, I will see u on the other side and wish u all the best of luck this upcoming week.
Hugs to all,
shannon ill try to se u there and ill have my cell phone with me 4013396019
we can make contact even if we dont find each other i woud think we are al going to be on the same floor though. ill be up walking arouns and peaking in rooms .so i u see some one like that yell out elaine . and u are so right with out the board i would be at my last whit by now. . i am trying fruit and protine shakes and lots of water. and im so excited or nervous i dont even have the interest to eat . dr. roye said loose as much as possible in the next 12 days so in the short time im down 10 pounds since last week when he gave me my date. lots of love to u and all the surgery sisters. i cant wait till we all are on the other side elaine
Good luck to all of you having wls this week and weeks following..You all will do well!! There maybe one nanosecond when you come home that you may wonder why you did it...but when you start feeling better and the scale starts know you did the right thing....
Take care and I will be thinking of you...
Carol b
Shannon, Elaine, Shelli, and anyone else i missed having surery this week..
We'll all be thinking of you and you are going to do fantastic!
Just remember: Keep walking. Bring chapstick. Take your pain meds.
Everything else will be taken care for you. The only thing you should be doing is focus on drinking, eating, walking, and learning how to get in and out of bed/chair [and you will spend 80% of your time in that friggin chair] as smoothly as possible.
much love and near welcome to the other side.

Shannon, Elaine and anyone else having surgery this week,
You guys are in great hands - well duh you already knew that!!!.
We are all keeping you in our thoughts this week for a safe journey!!!
HIP HIP HOORAY!!!!! I can't wait to hear how you guys are doing and to welcome you to the losing side.
Kristen is right, just bring your chapstick - Lifesaver there!!!
I can't wait until you begin your new life - it's gonna be one helluva ride!!!

Shannon, Elaine and anyone else having surgery this week,
I too wanted to wish you all a pain and effortless recovery!
I wanted to also add something to all the great tips.
For the most part you may find of all the incision only one will hurt the most, the one where the scope goes in on your left upper side. For the most part when you are still the pain will be minimal if at all, but you may feel what to me felt like massive cramping when I moved in the scope incision. Do yourself the favor and when you feel it coming BREATH through it!!! Don't hold ya breath or panic, just breath and try to get yourself to relax and remember as soon as you relax it will pass! Applying pressure helps emencely too! They will give you a rolled up blanket thingy and if they don't, ask for one! Hold it like a football against your incision and press, don't be afraid that it might cause you more pain by pressing because it doesn't. I had allot of adhesions the doctor had to get through so there was allot of prodding in there so I'm sure that's why I was as sore I as I was but I'm telling you this rolled up thingy was a life saver for me. Use it when they tell you to cough, use it when you first start to move around, and if its cumbersome for you just use your hand and apply pressure to the spot. Apply the pressure, then move because when you move no matter how you move your abdomen always tightens up and I found when my abdomen tightened up that's when I got that cramping pain.
I hope I didn't scare anyone but I just know this helped me so much and if it even helps one of you then its info well shared!
Well all be here waiting on you as you all were for us, know we are rooting for you!!!!