**date changed already!!!**
my ever so un-acommodating job..gee, not a good time to have a heart attack...gee not a good time to have your gall bladder out....I did not tell them WHAT I am having done this time. My boss blabbed to all of my clients that I had a heart attack last year..um, I need HIPA here in my office. so I decided not to tell until last minute.
I booked my date around everyone's schedule and vacations here in the office...my boss is going to be out on medical leave for her gall bladder...mind you when I had mine out she forced me to come back earlier than the doctor wanted me to..long story!! Her being out does not even affect the office running for cripes sake....
sorry needed to vent about that, I am soooooooo ANGRY right now and want to cry!! but my new date is October 17th.....anyone else????
Kristen D.
Hey Pam,
Thanks for the shoulders!! It really helps to have people to vent to. I am not going to stress about it...I have thought it over and feel that I really don't care anymore. I have been here for over 6 yrs and it may be time to move on soon...just the $$ thing is going to kill me...can't afford a cut in pay!! But just knowing that I am going to lose weight and hopefully gain confidence will help (hopefully) to not be a doormat and not speak up...that is half my problem...i don't handle conflict very well....
take care and thanks again!!
Kristen D
Kristen D
Well, I for one, can attest to the fact that all of what Pam said is true. I work for a very large corporation (American Power Conversion) and Dr. Roye has me out for 8 weeks. You can bet your lucky stars I can't even walk in these doors without a medical release. I am the one person who handles the section of insurance related claims for the U.S. and Canada.....it's me, no one else. So I made the comment that when I was feeling better, (and since I live all of 3 minutes away), I would stop by and see what is accumulating on my desk........holy crap, you would have thought I threatened to beat up the Pope or something, as I was baraged by the masses
. I was told in no uncertain terms that I was not to enter this bldg WITHOUT that release. And it's even more than a release. Like they call the office to make sure you're not fibbing. I think there are like forms or something........in triplicate!! Sheesh. So, while Dr. Roye may not keep me out that long, I have no choice but to stay out as long as HE feels it's necessary. And that will be the same for you Kristen. Your boss can hound you all she likes (if you let her), ....AND....(and I really believe there's some recourse for that type of harrassing behavior.....I can't even believe how badly you're treated
), but you won't come back to work unless he releases you..........OR..........your place of employment just doesen't give a crap about it's employees, in which case, I'd be looking for another place to work.............not that I haven't already thought about that for you (you poor thing) with all you have to put up with in that place. I feel terrible for you. Heart attack......and she calls you to ask when you're coming back in. I understand that some of our jobs are vital, but jeez almighty Pete, there are limits to that type of BS.
You vent all you like Kristen
..............you deserve it girl!! Your job rates at the top (or should I say at the bottom of the heap. You deserve to rant a bit on this issue.
But come Oct. 16th, look at caller ID before you answer your phone. Other than that, you're Number 1 and you take care of YOU!!!!!! They'll be alright without you while you recouperate in peace.........OR........they won't. Whatever! But first and foremost is how you take care of yourself, before AND after surgery. The last thing you need is to push too hard and then have complications (and time off work)....or God forbid, have another heart attack. That place is NOT worth your health....not at all.
We're all on your side................HUGS
You are the best! I have never been treated the way I am being treated since this manager has been here. I have been here over 6yrs and she only 2yrs. She does not like me and I am ok with that....just don't harass me. I come in, do my job and leave at night. I have a wonderful life outside of work and it is sad because everyday I wish for 5pm to go home to be happy. I have been taking classes and will eventually get out of here, but the money is decent and I would have to take a pretty big pay cut to leave...so for now I am stuck!! Because of what they are putting me through I am not going to worry about being forced back to work, I am at the point where after I have the surgery, they can lay me off or let me go...I will collect and go back to school full time...I have been trying to walk on egg shells because I could not afford to lose my job before the surgery because of benefits. That is so awesome that you have such a great support system at work. That is so important...and it helps that you are in charge of the insurance stuff too ;)
Are you getting nervous/excited?? Buy some good books/magazines to entertain yourself...It will be tough thinking about the work piling up on your desk but put that wayyyyy out of your head!!
Thanks again for everything...you validated my feelings and I really needed that because I was feeling so alone......and that noone understood!!!!
Big Hugs back at ya!!