Guess what????
I've hit Onederland!!!!!!
On the way home from the work today I stopped off at Bed Bath & Beyond and hoped on the scale. (I still have not bought one I was so excited to see 195lbs!!!! That's 9 more pounds for the slow poke!!! Just 55 more to go to hit my goal of 140lbs! Anything more will be gravy!!!
Yeaaaaaah Doggie!!!!

DENEY DENE DENE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*sniff****** did someone say "gravy"? I'm still pre-op and it seems that absolutely EVERYTHING is calling my name right now. If it isn't nailed down, I snarf it down. *sigh*
But anyway girlfriend..........I'm am so proud of you. I was just talking to Dr. Adams about you late last week. She's so proud of you too. WAY TO GO SISTER! I'm so happy for you. And now you'll have all the strength and stamina needed to really get in there and help your hubby through his ordeal. It may not be as easy for him in the beginning, but I told Dr. Adams that you both, as a couple, would be amazing help for each other. You both understand what the other needs and may be feeling. I'm sure he's so proud of you too and can't wait to feel what you're feeling.
YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hay Shell!
Thank you so much hun! You are such an up lifting person and I love to read everything you write for everyone! You always have such uplifting words positive words for everyone.
I wanted to also let you know it makes me feel so good to know I was able to help you out with getting a PCP who is an advocate for her patents and will do all that's in her power to see you have the BEST care! I myself growing up never went to the doctor or even had a regular doctor to see so having a PCP that I "clicked" with was never something I thought about. I always saw doctors as being cold and clinical. My kids on the other hand go like clock work and I love their pedi, but myself, I just went "as needed".
After my husband got sick and having his PCP and RIH missed his illness over and over we knew right then and there he needed a new doctor. We now needed a doctor who was going to be able to look after his cumiden and call at a moments notice if there was any kind of issue or red flag. His parents had always raved about Dr. Adams and so did his aunt and uncle. So we figured what the heck we'll give her a shot. I went to my hubbys first appointment with him and once I met her and experienced her kind, compassionate, down to earth hands on way of caring for her people I knew I had to jump aboard and be one of the many who are blessed to be able to call her their PCP.
When you was bummed out because your PCP was not on board with you with your surgery I just knew you had to see Dr. Adams. Not only is she on board with WLS, she's a spokes person for it! Her own brother had surgery with Dr. Roye and she speaks extremely highly of Dr. Roye. She's told me of how she and he have written letters back and forth to insurance companies to FIGHT for their patents to get them approved!
I was a just a name on a computer screen and you entrusted my judgment and took my word about Dr. Adams.
That honors me...
It makes me feel so good to know I was able to help you in some small way get to where you are today, and being apart of your happiness after so much heartache makes me feel wonderful....
You will always have a special place in my heart.....