Nancy P.
on 9/5/06 4:38 am
I don't know if it's just me, or what ? I've had all my pre-op testing done. I called the office to make an appointment, to see Dr. Roye, to go over my tests. What I don't understand, is, Annette had gotten a letter from my insurance company asking for all kinds of verification of my tests and course of treatment. I thought that would have been submitted last year when I started this whole journey. Annette, was on vascation for a week, so she is trying to get caught up, as I'm sure she's very busy. Now, I have to wait and see if the insurance company approves the surgery, after I've gone through all the testing. This all sems backwards to me. Has anyone else had this problem? I am so bummed, have a headache, and want to scream. Has anyone else felt this way? Now, that I read about the gastric sleeve method of surgery, I think that sounds like a better altenative to bypass. I don't even want to call the office to see if Dr. Roye has started doing this procedure. Thanks, for listening to me vent. Nancy
on 9/5/06 9:30 pm - West Kingston, RI
Nancy: I don't really know how to comment on this situation but didn't want you to think that no one was concerned for you. I have no real answers for you,....just comments and advice. I don't know why it's taking this much time, but have you tried to call your insurance company yourself and see what the hold up may be? Is it just that they need info from Annette? If so, you can bet she'll get to it, but she's knee deep EVERYDAY, but it's even worse now that she's back from vacation. I had to call her myself because things were left out of my surgical packet that was sent to my house. Although she so helpful to me and we get along great,...I could hear that deep sigh of just one more straw being put on her back. I felt bad for her. But call her. Talk to her calmly and rationally and get her take on things. If anyone knows what's going on, it's Annette. I've never had a moments trouble with her, but I've heard others say she can get a bit "snappy". Don't take it personally. Just call her and ask about your insurance problem. At the very least, she'll point you in the RIGHT direction on where you need to go, who you need to see or speak to, and what you may need to do. I hope all of this works out for you in a timely manner. As far as other surgical methods, I would rather doubt it....but I don't know for sure. I can tell you that after MUCH research, I was convinced that the DS was the perfect surgery for me. However,...it is not a "proven" method (according to my insurance company) and thus, would not pay a dime towards that surgery. That is why I selected the RNY. All you can do is pick up that phone and ask these questions. As long as you are calm, most people will help you without much crap. But at this point, if you gotta take crap to get answers, do it. It will make you feel much better to just know what's going on. HUGS Nancy. Let us know how it went. Shel
Nancy P.
on 9/5/06 11:56 pm
Good morning Shelli, Thanks, for getting back to me. Your right, I do feel alone at times.. (Poor Me) LOL! I know, I'm not alone in all this insurance and Dr.'s crap, but it is plain frustrating. I'm hoping to go to the meeting tonight, if I can get a ride. I think it would be helpful for others, to be able to put a face to a name, on the boards. Everyone is so helpful and friendly on the boards. Thanks, for taking the time to care. Good luck, with your journey. Nancy
Trace A
on 9/6/06 1:00 am - South County, RI
Ugh, Nancy, that sucks. I'm sorry. I haven't quite heard of this scenario yet but have heard of plenty of others, and I can only imagine how frustratingthis all is for you. I think the advice is spot on--make some calls and find out what you need to know. Someone said something to me once recently on this board that is a great piece of advice I try to keep in mind at all times while going through this process. "You are your only advocate." Good luck, Nancy. Trace
on 9/6/06 4:09 am - RI
RNY on 11/02/15
Hi Nancy, So sorry about the "pickle" you are in...that really stinks. I didn't think they sent "the packet" until they got everything back and approved by the insurance company...oh geez...I hope I am all set when I go next week. I feel bad calling Annette too, she is always on edge. That woman needs an assistant!!! I don't know how she keeps it all straight and can understand her being frustrated..but hello...we can't help but call with questions and stuff!! I can totally understand too that you want to get this all done and over with....it is frustrating playing the waiting game for this.....don't get stressed...you can vent anytime because we have all been there along the way to surgery. Good luck...and be pro-active on getting things done, but don't stress about it.... Kristen D
Nancy P.
on 9/6/06 7:55 am
Hi Kristen, Trace, and Shelli, Thanks, for your support! I decided to call Annete today. She was busy as usual. She could use some more help. She told me that all my info had been faxed to the insurance company, then went on to say, she would have to check, to make sure. Hmm~~~ I called my insurance company and they said they hadn't heard anything from the Dr.'s office since July 2005, yes "05". I was told,they would have to start a whole new case for me, because the Dr.'s office didn't follow up on my paperwork. I've decided, I'm not going to stress over it, but keep on top of it. I'm very nice when I call the office, but we are paying for their services, so we should be able to ask ??? and get answers. I just don't want to get on her,(Annette's) bad side. LOL! We are our best advocates. It is great to have all of you wonderful people, on the message board, to keep our morale boosted. I'm back, and I'm fighting. LOL! Thanks, again. Nancy
on 9/6/06 8:36 pm - West Kingston, RI
Nancy..... You have the right mindset. You made the call,...you've done your part. Now it's up to YOU to stay on top of what happens. It wasn't your fault that your paperwork was not handled properly, but now you know what can happen and you're more informed. Annette is usually right on the ball, but can get a little frazzled from time to time. I can honestly say that I would NOT want to have her job. And it's not about us calling her. She's swamped and I think she understands that we need to communicate with her sometimes. But with such a busy office, she can seem uncaring or aloof, which she is not. So you've started the process over again with the insurance company and I don't think it should take very long. I would call Annette, (OR WHOMEVER****il I got an answer. That's the way it is. So you hang in there......you're doing the right thing and you've already got the ball rolling again. We love you and are standing by your side through this......HUGS!!!! Shel
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