Going for RIH tests tomorrow--Questions
Hey all,
Tomorrow I go for my pulmonary test and my Upper GI at RIH. I'm a bit worried b/c my Upper GI is scheduled for 8:30 and the pulmonary thing is at 10:00 and I'm worried I won't make it to that one in time (but that's how Dr. Ryder's office scheduled it so I'm hoping it's okay).
What should I expect from each test? For the upper GI, do I just drink a cup of that gross barium stuff and then they do the xray? What about the pulmonary one? I have no idea what that is or what to expect. I hate tests....can you tell?!

Hi Trace......
I'm not sure why Dr. Ryder scheduled an Upper GI for you......I didn't have to have one with Dr. Roye....but perhaps they thought you had issues that required testing in that area. Because I haven't had that test, I'm not sure how long it takes, but I did hear that you have to drink the icky stuff and then wait for a bit and then be xray'd.
As far as the pulmonary, it goes pretty quick...maybe 30-45 minutes. I think mine took longer because I went in with full pnumonia in my left lung. They had to give me doses of Albuterol in between tests to calm my coughing fits. It was terrible. I can't remember the lady's name, but she said there's only 4 of them who do it...she was very understanding, so she worked with me so my saturation would at LEAST be at 70%...which is terrible...but Dr. Roye would have rejected anything less. After the breathing tests, she'll numb your wrist and go in deep for the blood gas test, but it didn't hurt at all. I had heard somewhere that it was painful, but they know how to do it and I really didn't feel a thing.
Just let the people know that you have a 10:00 and they may help you get in a bit quicker........also, there was no one else there getting the pulmonary testing, and I think I waited a good 20 minutes or so before they even saw me....so perhaps you'll have that little grace period to get from one place to the other............
BEST OF LUCK ON ALL OF YOUR TESTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's gonna go smoothly. You'll see.
Hey Shel,
Thanks for the info. Now that you're described the pulmonary tests, I DO know what it is! My PCP had me do one a few years ago when my allergies got worse and she thought maybe I had asthma (I didn't). It wasn't a fun test but wasn't that bad, either.
Now the blood gas test....eeeek! The idea of someone sticking a needle "in deep" in my wrist does NOT sound like a good time!!!
Still, I'll hold on to your claim that it didn't hurt and hope it's the same for me! lol

i didn't have the upper GI done, so i can't help you there..
but as for the pulmonary - it's kind of neat! it's not as easy as i thought i would be. they make you hold your breath for x amount of seconds, and then you have to completely empty your lungs until you have no more air left -and then push out some more air!! you can watch the screen while the tests are being done, so it's cool to see what your lungs are doing.
i hope your blood gas goes well. mine wasn't fun - but they don't stinge out on the lanicane [sp!?] - so that's good!!!! lol
good luck and have fun breathing!
Elaine.........I had my blood gas test back in May and my surgery is at the end of Sept. Dr. Roye hasn't ordered a new one for me. Not sure why they do it from your wrist, except my guess would be cause it's easy to get to an artery there. I didn't feel a thing after the intial stick of the needle to numb the area. The bloodwork that you have closer to surgery is the last test that you'd be taking and I think they took like 24 vials of blood when they did my last blood test ....or something like that. The blood gas test isn't part of that test...it's part of the pulmonary function test...to see how well your blood is oxygenated.
Don't worry about the blood gas test. It goes fast and I didn't feel it at all.
Hi Trace,
I had the upper GI done at RIH...it was relatively quick. As long as they are not running behind (which I doubt at that time of the morning) you will be fine. I think it was less than a half hour. you drink the gross barium and they take some pics...standing up, laying down, on your side, etc...the staff is great...they made it such an quick and easy thing.....as far as pulmanary testing, I was fortunate enough to not have to do that. I would advise the tech that you have a 10am appt for pulmonary testing....they will make sure they get you in and out....
good luck!!
Kristen D