Question for those who already seen there doctors...
I have my final check up with Lauren at the sleep study (already did both nights). So just to chat, see if she thinks I could benifit from CPAP...anyway, I'll be doing the bloodwork directly after that appt. and then calling Dr. Harrington. My question is...when you called once you finished all appts. how long did it take to get into see the doctor, then did you see him only once? And then, how quickly did he schedule surgery? I'm a little impatient, can you tell??? As far as I've been told, I've done well on all my tests. My stress test held me back, because they thought they saw they had to do a cardiac cath (hatted it) but came back perfect, and they say I have very mild apnea and aren't sure if I need the machine, Thursday I'll know. Any info you can give would be great...I'l going crazy!
Impatience is right.... I was having mild anxiety attacks at times. I just saw Dr. Roye yesterday, that took 3 weeks and my surgery is scheduled for Oct 24 ..long time. But, everyone is different, every Dr.'s schedule is different and cir****tances are different. For instance, my surgery is in 2 months because they found bacteria in my stomach through one of the blood tests. Now I'm on treatment for 6 weeks and have to take a "breath" test after this treatment to see if it's gone. In other words, if it's not, it will delay my surger even more :0( .... So, the whole point is, everyone is different depending on various cir****tances.
This is us trying to get to that finish line....

I went to see Lauren after I had both sleep studies done. She had the results of both, one which showed that I stopped breathing 25+ times per hour and the other (with the cpap machine, which showed I rarely stopped breathing at all. Dr. Millman came in, no introduction,...just told me that I would be on cpap the second they pull the intibation tube from my throat after surgery...or I would die. Yes, he said that. He means no harm, but has no tact either.
Anyway, I was like you, that a lot of those hospital appts were on the same day. So I finished my tests and called Annette and she scheduled me for almost 30 days out, just to see Dr. Roye for a date. Or I thought I was going to get a date. I didn't. I had problems with my apnea and my stomach (ulcers) which needed to be treated. It took another 3 months. I just got my date yesterday.
So if all is well, will only take a few weeks to get in to see Dr. Roye. Then I hear he is scheduling almost 3 months out. He got me an earlier surgery date because he knew I had been waiting for a long time...AND...there was an opening.
I can tell you that he will do what he thinks is right for YOUR situation. It may not be like anyone else's. I was on this message board a long time ago, and thought I would be having surgery in the summer. Many of the newer people have already had surgery and I'm still a month away. I'm not trying to burst your bubble at all....but please understand that this is not only one of the most exciting times in our lives...but it's one of the most serious and dangerous. He won't let us go into something because of our anxiety or eagerness. And here I am. I lived. I made it through the wait because of people on this board who cared and the time went by.
I'm so hoping that your tests come back with flying colors.
.......just know that however long the amount of time your wait's yours. You own it. And it's all a part of YOUR journey. I've journaled my entire journey in writing and with pictures so that I can look back and think about how hard it was. And I will never forget.
So relax. You're doing all the right things. Breathe .....and then just let it happen. And it will.
HUGS and best wishes Jessica. My fingers are crossed.

Thank you for everyones input. As much as I'm trying not to work myself up and have unrealistic judgement in time, it seems like, no matter what, it will never be soon enough! But I know, sooner or later, my time will come. Like I said, the good thing is that with most of my tests, I know I did great, no problems at it's up to getting in to see Dr. Harrington and seeing when he can schedule me. I do know that he is less booked then Dr. Roye. I've been told he's booking for end of Sept. or beginning of Oct. So I'll just keep praying. I'll keep everyone posted. Thanks again.