I GOT A DATE TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You moved right to the front of the line with that date!!!!
That's just days over a month away!!!!
Remember when I told you I bet he was going to hold a date for you???
Looks like he did hun!!!
I'm so happy for you!!! It seems like its been forever since our first meeting here and I told you about Dr. Adams (the best PCP on the planet BTW..lol).
I'm thinking we need a group hug girly so you best be at that next meeting. I made sure I had that day off from work so I'll be there...
It's your turn now hun and you so deserve it!!!!
~Smile, you're just about to join the Losers Club~
Loser, who knew it would be such a wonderful thing to be!!!
Hi Shel,
Your surgery is only 1 month away and that's going to FLYYYYYY right on by! And with the new house closing, too? Wow! We just moved into our place last Nov. (also in South County) so I know how exciting that is! Yay!!!
Hey, where in OK is your family? I spent 3 years living in Norman while doing my grad work at OU. I'm always telling my DH how beautiful the sky was there during dusk and sunsets. Oh, and the steak....I miss the steak! LOL
Anyway, congrats again to you!!