Update on Rose
Rose is home, she did great...she is having gas pains but that's normal. Yeah she's on the losing side with us....
Kristen* I'm doing great...I can eat anything at this point, but only small portions....I can't have anything fried though, but baked chicken is fine....burgers are fine, but steak is out of the question...
I'm down 76 lbs in 4 months and Im feeling wonderful....I;m having so many wow moments its unbelievable...I feel like a whole new person....
sorry we missed you at the last meeting...you better be at the next one missy...
Love ya,
wooohoooo Teri, that's great. We're just about on the same track - but I can eat steak with no problem. I can eat fried food too - but i try not to. LOL Jay and I went to block island a couple weekends ago and he got fried clams.. I couldn't resist ONE. It went down pretty well - only problem was it was a *****ewy. so i stuck to the raw littlenecks and oysters and had a perfect meal. 2 of each and I was full! sweet.
i hear you on the wow moments. It's great.
Not only that - but I can actually shop at places other than LB now. I went into Marshall's for shoes.. but decided to peek at the plus section and came home with 3 tops - for under 30 bucks!!! i was psyched.
I need to lay off the shopping though. I think I'm trading one addiction for another [food for shopping.. lol]. I look great- but my bank account isn't!!!
I've been selling some of my nicer things on ebay and ended up selling my 4 trashbags full of clothes to someone from craigslist for 225 bucks.
anyway, glad to hear you're doing so well!!!
I'll definitely be at the next meeting.
Can't wait!!!