How's everyone doing???
Hay Peoples!!!
How's everyone doing???
Kristen 40 pounds girl OMG I hate you! lol
I hope everyone's been able to get to the beach this summer and enjoy this wonderful weather. My nephew was up from Florida for two weeks so I had to entertain a 12 yo and a 9 yo boy. Oh the joy. Naaah it wasn't bad, we did the beach, laser tag, movies and a few other fun things. Then last minute my in-laws bought my son a ticket to go to Florida for the rest of the summer so off he went.
I missed the last meeting because my hubby had to work late and there was no way I was toting frick and frack along with me.. lol
We'll I've discovered that I'm the slowest loser on the planet, Yep its true. It's taken me 6 weeks to lose 23 pounds.
I know, I'm a lightweight and I'm gonna lose slower but this sucks eggs.. lol
I see Dr. Roye the 18th of this month and I'm hoping I will get the go ahead to go back to work, THANK THE LARWD!!! I never thought I'd be saying that but now that my short mans in Florida I'm soooo bored!!! And I think the fast paced work will make my weight loss increase big time.
Hubby got a phone call yesterday about 4pm asking if he'd like to take an opening for his sleep study because they had a call out, of curse he took it. His first appointment was for august 29th so now that will be his second. He sees the physsc doctor this Thursday coming up and that will be his last thing to do, well other then his last sleep study. He had booked his physc eval already but he had to cover at work for someone else so he had to cancel other wise that would be done already too...
I've read so many of you waiting on sleep studies are waiting forever. I don't know if you all can request to go to the one in East Providence because even when I booked there I only waited like two weeks. Hubbys August 29th appointment was booked one weeks ago too and he's already in. Even if your not from around this area its real easy to get to. I live in East Providence and can give you east on and off the highway directions no matter where your coming from.
Well that's what's been up with me...
Glad to see everyone doing so great and well me, I'll limp
You look so different.......How much do you have to lose? I did my sleep study in EP too, and the woman that took care of me,,her name is carol too, was so wonderful to me...I was just terrible .....I was ready to walk out after the c pap was put on me during the night. But this woman really helped me calm down.
I cant get my pic on here...I dont know how...I wish i could
Carol b
Hi NaDene,
Congrats on the extra 23 lbs! Don't know it, I'd be thrilled to lose 23 lbs. right now!
Since you mentioned the scheduling of the sleep study things, I have a question. When you said you DHs 1st appt. was for Aug. 29, was that for his first _overnight_ study or just for his initial consultation? (I know some ppl have ended up getting their overnight in thru a cancelation and then going for the consult after.) Do you know which doc he's booked with--is it Millman?
I do know the E. Prov. is one of the Lifespan one's and I wouldn't mind going there at all--I used to not too far from there a few years ago.
I'm just not sure if they schedule the consults with the doc's there (and have since found out the East Greenwich location is considered a "satellite" location and Dr. Millman isn't even there sometimes for an entire week, at least that's what the receptionist told me).
Anyway, good luck getting back to work!
Hi Trace!
Hubbys first visit for his consultation was August 1st, I myself went to Warwick but he went to Middletown. He was given August 29th as his first overnight sleep study but like I said they called here August 11th and asked him to come in that night. They kept the 29th as his second appointment. I believe he saw Laura Cushing (sp?) out of Dr. Millman's office. I didn't ask for anyone special when I called to book him, I just said I wanted an appointment so he just got who they gave him. We both got in real fast that's why it's so strange to me to hear people waiting so long to get in other places.
And if they said to keep calling for a cancellation.... CALL THEM!!! I didn't have to but don't worry about being a pain, who ever is answering that phone is being paid to do that you are not bothering them. If you don't call someone else will!!!
Good Luck...