Sleep Study--Scheduling Question
Hi guys,
Like most of you, the sleep study is the appt. I'm having to wait the longest for. I called about 3 weeks ago and have my initial consult scheduled for Sept. 5. (I am going through Dr. Ryder so I'm using the sleep clinic in off Route 2).
When I made the appt. I asked to be put on the cancellation list. But then I read somewhere (or someone told me) to call them in the mornings and see if they have any cancellations for that day. So I did that once earlier this week and the woman said "not today, but keep trying!"
So my question is...if I'm on the cancellation list do I need to call like this? Do they use that cancellation list? She said "keep trying" almost like I should call every morning, but that seems excessive. I have a totally open schedule right now, though, so could go at any time.
Also, it seems like some people have BOTH their initial consult AND overnight sleep study scheduled, but I just have the consult appt and thought I'd get my overnight appt during that meeting. Is that right? Does it depend on which clinic you use?
Basically, since I'll be done with ALL my other testing in less than 10 days I just HATE to let this all drag out because of probably not finishing the stupid sleep study stuff until the end of Sept. Grrrrr....
hi trace.
i know how frustrating this whole scheduling thing can be.. it sucks!
i went through the same clinic and had to schedule my initial consult first. they do this because you may not be a candidate for sleep apnea - but they won't know if you are/aren't until you have your consult. once that's done - they ask which sleep study center you want to try [tell them you'll go anywhere!! don't just stick to the RIH - there's one in Seekonk [or e. providence, i can't remember - sorryt!] that has a lot of beds - so sometimes you can get in quicker there] so you call the sleep center and schedule an appt. They originally had my scheduled in Newport - but there's only 2 beds available - so I called around and found the place in Seekonk [or is it swansea? god, i don't know... lol] and they had way more openings.
this takes the longest time and i know it's frustrating.. but we've all had to go through it to get where we are today. and, there's a reason why it does take so long. you don't want to rush through this process - believe me. you need a lot of time to think about what it is you are about to do to yourself and get ready. Plus, once you get through the sleep study - if you do need a cpap, Dr. Roye will not operate until you've been on your cpap for at least a month. He does everything for a reason.. and he isn't wrong for stringing it out like he does, unfortunately. LOL
Personally, i don't think they use a cancellation list - so yes, call them every day. or every other day if you don't want to be a huge nuissance. lol
good luck!!
There is one in Johston. I went to that one. It's off of Atwood. I didn't have my consult yet. That isn't until Tuesday. I got called because of a cancellation and I got to do my sleep test just in case I need it. It's all done. If I end up having Sleep Apena then I have my scheduled one still available for the fitting.

My consultation was at the Univ Med Foundation in West Warwick. They called me in for an earlier appointment due to a cancellation and I wasn't even on a cancellation list as far as I know. Then they set me up at Miriam Hospital on the following Monday and was quick quick quick...check out my page for more information.

I would keep calling, you are you only advocate for this surgery.
I had my sleep study in N. Providence and was told by a nurse a few days later that I had sleep apnea and had to come back.
I spent a week thinking that I had it and when I went back for the 2nd study they said "what are you doing here?" It turns out that I did not have sleep apnea and the sleep doc messed up and looked at someone elses record and mistook it for mine!
I was so mad, but happy that I did not have it!!