Betsey Update
Hi Em,
I waited all day to hear from you
(Betz told me you would call my cell). I worried when I didn't hear. I called the hospital and they said she was "fair", that was 9p.m. I am glad to hear she is doing well. If you talk to her please let her know I am thinking of her. Could you please let me know if she goes home before Sunday afternoon( I arrive in Prov around noon) If she is still in the hosp. I will go see her as soon as I get in. Otherwise I will haunt her when she gets home.
Thanks for the update.
Hey Donna,
I sent you an email because we missed one important piece of info.. I dont have your cell number! I called Jamie hoping she would have it but her connection was rocky so she couldnt hear me. I got on here early hoping you would get my email but I never got it. I heard from Dave last night around 6:30 and he said she is doing well. I asked him to call me this morning and let me know if she is up for company. Please know that I didnt forget about you!!
With love,