i had a WOW moment. a few of them, actually.. :o)
So, this past weekend was a big one for me. For one, I dropped down under 250 pounds. I can't even remember when I weighed this much, or little.. however you want to look at it.
My second moment was when I was sitting on my parents glider and unconsciously crossed my legs. I looked down at my lap [at my LAP!! where did that come from??!?!] and there were my legs - crossed all lady-like. I almost cried. I looked up at my mom and Jay and just said "holy ****" LOL [not so lady like]. My mom knew what I was talking about immediately. It was such a great feeling... just to feel like I could do something that all other "normal" people can do.
And the third was the realization that I'm not nearly as big as I once was. So many times I didn't DO things because I was afraid of hurting myself, or getting too out of breath, or sweaty, whatever. But this weekend I went to Block island and managed to climb down one of the cliffs to go swimming on this secluded beach. I was afraid of the climb back up - and totally didn't think I'd make it - but Jay talked me into trying it. I made it back up without a problem. I sweat my ass off, mind you - but I wasn't crazy out of breath and my muscles didn't burn like mad, either. I sat at the top of that cliff for a long time.. just letting that feeling of accomplishment sink in...
it was beautiful. and i have only this surgery to thank for such a moment in my life.
i hope you all have lots of moments like i just did.. and many more to come!!

Aw Kristen,
That is wonderful!! You should be so proud of yourself. You don't only have the surgery to thank, but you have yourself as well...you are motivated and working hard and that is an accomplishment as well. I can't wait to have surgery and have that feeling...it must be so empowering. Keep up the good work. And thanks for the updates...it is a motivator to read things like this....
Take care,
Kristen D

hey Kristen,
This is all great news! I KNOW how you feel (wonderful) from when I lost a bunch of weight years ago (it's all back now, of course!). Isn't it almost silly how the seemingly most insignificant thing can make you all giddy?!
Good for you with the hike back up the cliff at BI. I've avoided many similar situations...and currently still would! Here's to many more great moments for you.

Kristen, your'e doing wonderfully! I can't wait to join you on the losing side. I've only got my sleep study to complete, I go Wednesday (hopefully, I'll only need one) and then I'll be able to get the blood work done and make my appointment with Dr. H.
Congratulations on your progress. It keeps us all motivated. Kelli