thanks for the messages
thank youu for the messages im so scared and yes i have my husband that day its just on my mind the heat and if i can make it back in the house and i dont know why i have to take the class over again i was dr harringtons patient last time now im dr royes and they said i had to do it again ....i juust took it in december...betweeen that and worrying about the operation itself im just out of my mind i watched a show last night and they did an epidural in the spine and a needle in her neck is that how it happens i dont remember thhem saying that at the last teaching class...oh well i hope all goes well then i have a dr appt at the end of the teaching class ....whaqt a long day...because i dont go out at all...mostly homebound
i wish you all the best on wednesday. just remember - this pain will only last a little while and eventually - will be no pain at all.
as far as the epirdural and neck IV...
they will sometimes offer an epidural as a way to control/manage one's pain after surgery. Epidurals can be great tools when they work correctly. However, with people our size placing an epidural correctly can be very, very difficult. So they may not give you one.
The neck catheter/IV is only done last minute/if they can't find a good vein to place a proper IV and it's generally done while you are under. that's how RIH does it, anyway. I know of other hospitals that automatically put an IV into your neck.. I really wouldn't worry about it - and if you are still worried, then ask Dr. Roye on Wed.
He'll let you know.
Also, when placing an epidural, they give you a couple doses of "verse". It's a very calming drug. makes you really relaxed.. still awake and able to talk.. but you won't hold any seriously complicated discussions.. lol. i had a hard time verbalizing which was my left and right arm, and it felt really really warm and cozy while i was bent over. i didn't even really care that the doctor was poking around in my spine - it didn't hurt, but it didn't really feel great, either. uncomfortable, i guess - but i just didn't care. i think they should give this to people who just went through bad break ups. LOL jk.
hope this helps,