Everything went fabulous!!!
Hay Kristin!!
DANG 20lbs in 3 weeks!!
Holy hell girl that's awesome!!!
It may sound funny but I already feel "lighter". Maybe its just the meds lol or the fact that I'm really finally on the other side..
And nope no gas issues at all, although in the past day and a half I haven't ventured to far away from a bathroom because I have had diarrhea. I know from past surgeries it does happen. It's the body getting rid of the anestistiesa, (sp) so with this I have been more aware of my fluid intake just so I don't get dehydrated. Been there, done that, got the shirt don't want another...lol
Well I'm hoping to get to the meeting this week! I just have to see what hubbys schedule looks like at work. He doesn't have a set time he gets out so we'll see. But I'm keeping my fingers crossed!!!
Till Then Take Care!!

Wooohooo 60 lbs!!
You Go Hot Mama!!!!
You're my new hero!!!
I'm planning on going to the next meeting which is what this week right?? As long as the hubster is out of work on time I don't see why I won't be there. I'm going to try and get him to come to this one, give him the old "hunnnn I don't know what time we will be done, just come in, pleeeeeease." Plus now that he's met Dr. Roye face to face he's a big fan too. So any injection to him I do think he'd be all for.
We'll see, but I myself do plan on being there!!!
Bug hugs till then!!!!

I'm so glad for you I have read your posts before and you are always happy.
Please send some of the happiness my way. Pray for me I'm scared of going under I weigh a lot..I really need to think positive. The big day is the 3rd!! I have Dr Sax, he's ok but Dr. Roye Sounds great. Did you have to do 2 bowel preps citerate of Magnesia and phospho soda? I'm a bit confused
Well damn, where the hell have I been? I am so glad you are on the other side and feeling wonderful. I am so happy for you!!!!!
Take it easy, but it sounds like you have it all down and know what to do so I won't lecture you...hehehe
Sorry I didn't reply sooner but last week was HECTIC at work and I have not been on the boards at all.
Congrats again and if you feel up to it we will see you next week at the meeting.

Hay Girly!!
Don't sweat it!
LIfe Happends....
Yeah I'm def. planning on going to the next meeting and dragging the hubby....
He's still three test away from being done, I have to book em this week..
I myself feel he needs a bit more education about the eating and the surgery itself. He's a bit of a cave man and believes he knows it all... I just don't want him going to the phsyc eval not ready, I don't want then to ask him what he knows about the surgery and have him sit there blank. He knows the risks, he knows it will better his life, he knows they will cut him open (he has to have open due to his size) he knows his eating will change but I just feel he needs to hear a bit more so I'm going to drag him along...
So untill then take care!!