Everything went fabulous!!!
Hello All you Beautiful People!!!!!
Everything went fabulous!!!
And I do have to say I love Dr. D, Roye with all my heart!!!!!
That man had me laughing from before I went into the E.R. and in the I.C.U.!!
Myself, well I was gleaming from the time I walked into the hospital and I've yet to stop!!! Not one ounce of nerves did I have.
My husband was a train wreck, he tried not to show it but I just knew he was. I gave my hubby a general description of what Dr. Roye looked like so he would know who he was looking for. Dr. Roye went to see him before I even went into the E.R and he had my husband cracking up too!! Hubby said to me after met Dr. Roye, you're so right, he does look like he belongs on the T.V, show E.R.!!!
I came home yesterday, still a bit sore.
From what Dr. Roye told my hubby I did have some adhesions he had to get through which I fully expected. I have one spot on my left side just under my boob that was a dozy to deal with. The only way to describe the pain was imagine your worst Charlie Horse cramp in the back of your leg and not being able to rub it out. The more I tensed up the worst it got so I learned fast to BREEEATH when I felt it coming on. Plus pain meds are wonderful, I made sure to taken right on time, if they said I could have em every 4 hours I called just short of it, it just ended up better to deal with having not med lapses. But that's it, out of 5 holes only one hurt. That's all the pain I had (and still do very very faintly.) But again it's because of my adhesions.
I had no issues with gas, although I'm farting up a storm now that I'm home.. (I can say fart right? lol)
I did walk but not as much as I should have, but again this cramping was a mother $#$% and any movement could set it off because your abdomen is your core. Your arm moves, you feel it, ya leg moves you feel it, you turn ya head you feel it, so I was just trying to be cautious.
But anyways.. I'm great, Dr. Royes Great and every once of any kind of discomfort is wreath it!!!
I'm on my way!!!
Oh and they weighted me before surgery, 239!! I lost 7 more pounds even before surgery!!!!
Gonna go rest now, thanks for caring!!!!
Big Hugs!!
Congratulation NaDene,
You're on the losing side now...you're only 239 lbs.. (to us larger peeps) thats not a lot of weight so you should be well on your way to getting to goal sooner than most of us. I only wish I weighed 239bl..i got a long way to go...
We are here if you have any questions..... God knows we all have had some really strange things happen with our pouches and bodies...
Carol b

Thank You Carol!
I'm sure I'll be taking you guys up on the question offers.
So far, so good though.
I was quite surprised myself when the scale said 239 because in December I was up to 252!! And let me tell you, it still mybe a low number to some, but with a bulging disc in my back, arthritis in both knees and my ankles so bad that my hubby can hear me coming because of the crunching crackling and popping, things were going down hill fast!! I live on second floor and I was doing the one step at a time thing because of pain and being winded...
From my families history I know where I was headed,
Now was the time to do this,
While I'm still young enough to bounce back,
And have the time and energy to enjoy life and my boys.....
My hubby is 6'5 and weighs in at 515lbs. He too was turned away by Dr. Phole, told to lose 100lbs then come back. As I was, he was very devastated, he then became very turned off by the whole wls idea after that. Now he's changed his mind and is three tests away from getting his date with Dr. Roye.
I might not have as much to loss, but I know first hand your pain.....
Good luck to you,
Only you can make your dreams come true!
Reach for them stars and don't let anything or any number stop you!!!
Big Hugs!
Hi NaDene,
So glad to hear everything went well...you have such positve energy, so I have no doubt you will get through the recovery stage with flying colors just like you did with the surgery!! I am glad I chose Dr Roye, I really liked him at the initial consult and feel even better after hearing your great experence the day of surgery.
Take care and get lots of rest...I look forward to seeing your progress!!
Kristen D
Thank You Kristen!!
Ya know, I'm one who loves to laugh. And going into this surgery I was so set on that I was not going to be scared, nervice, upset, or worried. I wanted nothing negitory in my head when I was rolled in to the O.R. and Dr. Roye was definitely one of the reasons that stayed true for me!
I was in the pre-op room getting my I.V. by the way I did NOT feel one bit cuze they used numbing stuff!! After he put it in I said "YOUR HIRED!!" the tech cracked up!!
Then he asked me about my cpap machine, he wanted to know when I began to use it, so I was doing some thinking out loud, saying to myself but everyone could hear "humm well I started after I went for my sleep study." Dr Roye starts laughing and giggling saying "well that narrows it down a whole lot". I was cracking up, I said to him "wait I was thinking out loud gimmie a minute", he goes"suuuuure." I was a real slap show!! And it was just what I wanted, it was GREAT!!
Then in the I.C.U. he came up to see me and he asked how I was feeling. I said good except for this pin in my side. I started to say, "It feels like ummmm like" and he says to me with a big grin "like you had an operation" Once more I was cracking up!!!
When he met my hubby, my hubby went to stand up to shake his hand, Dr. Roye told him "nooo sit sit" and climbed up on the arm of the next chair and talked to my hubby. he told my hubby everything went well. My hubby told him he was glad to meet him and that he was going to be next from our family to see him. Dr. Roye said to him "oh your a smart guy, sending her first to make sure everything goes ok a?".. lol They were both cracking up!!!
Ya know, things happen in life and ya just don't know why,
Ya get pissed when it's not in your favor and it's joyful when it does.
I went to see Dr. Phole last Year and he turned me away.
Not cuze my insurance wouldn't approve me,
It was because HE wanted me to see a nutritionist.
He passes judgment on me before even learned anything about me.
I was devastated.
I went to my PCP and she told me to see Dr. Roye.....
And here I am...
Who knew the biggest heart break I ever felt would end up bring me so much joy!!!!
Good Luck to you too Kristen and remember:
There are never walls in this journey,
Just hurdles to get over,
Climb, Scratch, Crawl to get over them,
Just don't ever give up!!!!

NaDene: Welcome home!! I am so glad to hear that everything went well!! I can't believe that you did not have any gas problems, I did!! I am doing very well now, I got into a size 18 the other day!! I have lost 20 pounds in 3 weeks, I just saw Dr. Ryder yesterday. I hope to see you at the monthly meeting, when is it this month anyway?