**Kelli L**
Hi Kelli,
How did you make out with your psch eval?? Who would you recommend more..Dr.Zimmerman (who I know someone had issues with) or Boerscu(who I hear is tough on evals)
I want to make this quick and painless...I can't afford to take time out of work to go to several sessions or anything like that....
Kristen D
Hi Kristen:
I actually had a conflict with Dr. Zimmerman, we both work for Brown and run in to each other now and then so I requested Dr. Noreen Attiullah. She was great! I saw the psychologist for 3 hours, just lots of questions, then went back later in the day and met with Dr. Attiullah for 15 minutes. It was really easy. Now on Friday i have to go for the pulmonary and ABG test. Not looking forward to that.

Thanks Kelli!!
I don't think I can see Dr Attiullah...Dr. Roye's office said I have to stick to his list...ugh...so now I am at square one...I am nervous about all of the "list" drs...
You work at Brown?? Do you know Dr. Athena Poppas?? I know she teaches there...she is my cardiologist and I LOVE her...she is the best and so up on women and heart disease. she is fantastic.