Anyone have any Unused Protein Powders?
Hi All!!!!!
Well it's finally almost here, MY SURGERY DAY!!!
WooHoo Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday!!!!
Ok I have a question some of us went over at the last meeting.
Unused Protein Powders that are tried and not liked, anyone have some they would like to get rid of??? I don't care if it's opened, I know you guys wouldn't mess with something like that. I've been fishing around the net and looking in stores and I'm going nuts trying to get myself to by some. I know I don't have to use them, but I'd really like to try some for "on the go" days. I know everyone's different on what they like so what you might hate I might love and vise versa so if ya got some ya wanna get rid of please let me know!

Hi NaDene
Congratulation on your up and coming surgery
. What type of surgery are you having open or lap? I wish you the best in your recovery and your operation. I am sorry I dont have protein powder that i want to get rid of. I dont care for them but I use them because I have to....
Please let us know when you are back home how you made out at the hospital and keep us posted on your journey....
Carol b

Hi Nadene!! I am so happy that your surgery is coming up, and you will be in my thoughts on Tuesday. As for the protein powder, I do not have any, I ALWAYS make sure I am going to like it or I buy it from GNC,
It is very expensive and I don't want to get stuck with a $55.00 tub that I can't use! Just go to GNC cause like they said at the meeting, as long as you don't use alot, you can return it!!! Good luck Girl!!!