my first food issue..
i've been extremely lucky in that i have not had any issues with food. i haven't thrown up at all, since the one time in the hospital. i can tolerate just about anything - with the exception of chicken, and that's only because it hurts - not because it makes me throw up..
so sunday night, i'm at this beautiful wedding. the ceremony is over, the ****tail hour begins.. and what is the first hors d'oerves to come out? scallops wrapped in bacon. the PERFECT gastric bypass appetizer. I was so happy. there was something other than cheese that i could nibble on. So - I take one off the tray, and thinking if this like any other reception, i'd be lucky if it was lukewarm! Wrong. I haven't put anything this hot in my mouth in ages. Of course I didn't have a napkin or a plate to discreetly spit it into.. so i just had to roll this thing around in my mouth, trying to cool it down. I was trying sooo hard to chew it into a fine mush.. and just couldn't.
I ended up swallowing a piping hot chunk about the the size of my thumbpad. I knew it was bad the second it happened. So I stopped eating.. figured i'd just let that digest and wait til dinner. Ugh.
Within minutes I could feel my stomach churning.. and I burped up the nastiest foamiest scallop tasting saliva. I couldn't believe it - I got the foamies, at that moment. I was trying so hard to socialize with all these people I hadn't seen in years - while not foaming out the mouth... it was awful. I didn't know what to do with the foam once I burped it up, so i'd swallow it back down. gross. so i went to the bathroom and spit up as much as i could.. started feeling better. so we went intot he reception..
the second we all sat down, the DJ got into introducing the wedding party - and that's when it hit me. I needed to throw up in the worst possible way. And I was in the very corner of the room - with the only entrance out - on the other side of the room, across the dance floor!! I was TRAPPED. The only way out would've been to cross the dance floor in the middle of the introductions!! so I took some deep breaths and waited for it to be over. the second it was over, I ran for the elevator to my room.
I ended up puking in the bathroom and felt better instantly. I was so relieved. Getting the foamies is the worst!!! I don't ever want to have that happen again. I totally learned my lesson. No more swallowing big chunks of hot food, ever again!!
Thought i'd share.. LOL
have a good one.
gm Kristen,
That was a great story to share. I'm sure we all will remember this story for sure. I never had the foamies but have vomitted several times already because of the pain in the throat and stomach which becomes constant when you eat something that doesnt agree. I didnt know that bacon was ok to eat. But then again, you are a couple of months out and I am only 13days out. I am trying differnt things that i know are very easy to digest, such as cantelope, honeydew, baked potatoes. They all seem to go down and digest very well....with gurgles...but the food stays down. I did try some baked fish last night and some went down very well, but then the pain started and I stopped right then and there. I think I just ate too fast and too much at once. It was my first time eating baked fish. I should have take a few tiny bites and then waited, but nope not me...just kept eating...then the pain came. I hope this teaches me to just be patient with new you said , its a new born tummy so treat it like one.
Besides that Kristen, I hope you had a good time at the wedding..and felt better after that episode....
carol b
bacon is okay for us to eat - but that's because i've been moved to solid foods. you're still on your pureed diet! you've got some time left, unfortunately. lol. the baked fish should be okay, so long as it was moist enough. remember, everything has to be able to be sipped through a straw - or it's not okay to eat! that was the rule dr. roye gave me and i stick to it until last week. it sucksssss so bad. but eventually it'll be all over!
i get that pain every once in awhile, and it's usually because something is too dry or too fibrous. I tried a strawberry, and that's too hard to digest right now. that's why they want us to stay far away from raw veggies and fruits until about 3-4 months out. i learned the hard way unfortunately!
glad you're doing well, carol - and yes, i had a fantastic time at the wedding!! it was sooooo beautiful. i cried like a baby. LOL
OMG i was almost on the floor
Youa re too funny, glad u had a great time at the wedding. Guess you had your first learning experience. That happened to me the other day with a piece of ravioli. It was so freakin hot I had to spit it back in my plate.....luckily i was home and didnt have to go the route you did or I would have been sorry too!!! Not as sorry as your young pouchie put you thru but on a smaller scale (still uncomfortable even at over 1 1/2 years out).
Well I hope you r great otherwise, r u coming next week? 2 the meeting that is?

hi there.
this wedding was for one of my childhood friends. we grew up next door to each other for 18 years.. and i've known her all my life. when my first surgery was scheduled for May 23rd, i was heartbroken because i didn't think I'd be able to go to her wedding! When it got moved up to April 20th, I was sooo excited. i could finally go!
i was totally fine after I threw up. I went back to the table by the time the salad was being served. LOL I only missed the fruit cup. the mother of the bride had the caterers' make up my own bowl of mashed potatoes with lots of cheese, so i'd have something to eat. When we were planning what meal to choose for me, we were so unsure of what i could eat... so mashed potatoes were a safe bet, even though not the best choice. I had a tiny piece of my dad's prime rib - and some potatoes. I definitely didn't eat as much as I normally would at a meal, but I wasn't about to go pushing my luck.
I danced the night away and drank more water in a 5 hour span that I ever had before. It was a great time!
i've got another wedding to go to on June 10th.. this time it's being catered by a Japanese restaurant in Newport - so sushi for me!! I KNOW i can handle sushi. woohooo.
hope to see you at the meeting!