what a night I had!!
Good Morning to all
I say that with the emphasis on GOOD because last night I had my first gall bladder attack. It was the scariest thing in my life so far!! I thought I was having a heart attack and I started to panic. I had the sharpest pains in my back and middle and right side of my chest! I have never experienced anything like that in my life. I was told by dr. Harrington that I had stones and he was going to take them out. I had told him when I had the test for it, I was possiive that the stuff i took for the test had agravated the gall bladder. He said yes it was possible it had, becuase I never ever had any trouble with it and right after i had the test i started with burping all of the time. Well, yesterday I went out again,,,,,to have some appertizers and a couple of manhattans....mmmm I am gonna miss those babies. I came home fell asleep for awhile woke up and decided to make some popcorn. I like my own home made in a big pan with olive oil and salt. Of course the butter came out and I doused the popcorn with that. I said the hell.......lets put some more on. I ate awful lot of it, I love popcorn,,,,,it's my favorite food. With that , I had some cold green iced sf tea. A few hours later.......holy ****!!!! I thought I was gonna die! Pains in my back and chest and throat area like i never had before....especially in my back between shouders..this lasted for hours. I was very thirsty and i took sips of water and could actually feel it going down and oh the pain afterwards. I stopped drinking water, took some xanax and tried to relax in bed. The pain got better but it took a long time...NOW I CANT WAIT UNTIL I HAVE THAT DAMN GALL BLADDER TAKEN OUT... i AM OK NOW THANK GOD!! ...HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!!
i remember those attacks all too well. i started getting them in college [gee, greasy nasty cafeteria food?] and all my doctors kept telling me i had a stomach virus or stress-related stomach aches. this went on for close to a year!! i went home for the summer, started a new job at Beth Isreal in Boston and had an attack so bad that i doubled over in pain and couldn't get off the floor of my cube.
my mom had to drive into work to get me. she took me straight to the ER closer to my home. Within 2 hours, i had emergency surgery to get my gall bladder out. because i had so many gall stones, both openings to the organ were blocked - causing the gall bladder to die and become gangrenous. it was NUTS.
i swear, getting that thing removed was the best thing in the world. i could finally eat with no worries. although, after it's gone.. you do want to be careful about what you eat. i couldn't, and still can't, eat real fatty foods - without having a bathroom near.
yours will be coming out soon. you will feel 1000 times better, i promise!!
hang in there!!!