RVH wait time?
I'm just kind of feeling frustrated as the 1 year mark has just passed from sending my initial consult, and no surgery date. I was called in for my pre-op last month but no news since. Everyone i know who went through RVH had their surgery done by the one year mark. I called the secretary and was told the doc chooses who goes when. i totally understand that there may be more urgent cases than mine, but.... I guess i'm just feeling sorry for myself! LOL!
Any insight as to what's going on at the Vic? Anyone else going through this?
Thanks for listening to my whine!
on 6/14/14 12:44 am
if you did your pre-op testing a month ago .. you should mention that to them. It's only valid for a certain time before surgery date. i'm talking about the blood tests, meeting with anesthesiologist, ECG, xray, etc.