Update surgery schedule for Dr. Court at the RVH
Hi everyone, I spoke with marylyn (Dr. Court's secretary) yesterday Jan. 17, 2013 and she told me Dr. Court has scheduled surgeries till the first week of February at the Lachine Hospital and the end of February at the RVH. They will be scheduling more surgeries in the coming week. So for those of us who have been to the info session in December-January, I hope we are in the next batch of scheduled surgeries!
Sorry, didn't bother to ask since I am already on sick leave which should run still a couple of months. But from what I have gathered on the DS forum, most people require a solid 4 wk convalescence before they are good to function at work even though the doctors are apt to send you back after 2 wks.
Keep in touch!
I think not knowing the timeline is the toughest part in waiting.
I'm currently on maternity leave (for an adoption) and I should return to work in june. I know my boss will be sooooo discourage if I come back for a very short while and then leave again on sick leave! It was really stressful already for deal without me on a very short notice last year when the adoption came through (we had 4 days from proposition to arrival at home).
Well that's life! I'll put myself first and let my boss deal with work issues.