liste d'attente / waiting list
I'm on a waiting list for Dr. Garneau since September 2011. When I saw him he told me could be 2 to 2 1/2 years for waiting list and I tried to call this morning and they where saying 2 1/2 years of waiting list so helpfully it will be in 2013 or early 2014 :) I'm getting very anxious you can't imagine :) I've been looking at before and after picture for weeks to try to figure out how much weight I can loose and how my face will look like and I also look a different videos and I ready for it :D
Thanks a lot!
Sylvie it's taking me almost 2 years and in May 2010 Dr. Garneau had told me 1 1/2 years so it was a little more. I just got the call this morning that I will be having my sleeve on February 26th.
Good luck!
salut j'ai eue ma gastric BY-Pass on fevrier 27th j'ai attendue 7 ans, a Royal Victoria, mais quand je suis allée a la réunion ils m'ont dit que je devrais passé d'ici 1 an, et ca a pris 3 mois apres la séance d'informations, je crois aussi que cela depend de tes antécédents moi j'avais le Diabéte la haute pression et cholesterol peut-etre que c,est pour cela que j'ai passé + vite une fois enregistré. faut vérifier essaye Dr. D a royal vic.
:)) mais 2 ans c'est rien si on pense que j'ai atttendu 7 ans :( ....