Today is YOUR day!
Hey Monica!
It went well! no complications! She is home and resting.. she is in pain and tired, but that is par for the course.. I think it's more the anestic wearing off that sucks the most. She is having a hard time getting water in, but I assured her it's only short term this part!!! :)
Thanks for asking Monica!
She's a trooper, and like us, in a week, it will all be a distant memory and before she knows it she'll be 3 months out!! :)
It went well! no complications! She is home and resting.. she is in pain and tired, but that is par for the course.. I think it's more the anestic wearing off that sucks the most. She is having a hard time getting water in, but I assured her it's only short term this part!!! :)
Thanks for asking Monica!
She's a trooper, and like us, in a week, it will all be a distant memory and before she knows it she'll be 3 months out!! :)
Wow this was so nice to read!!! Thank you everyone for your kind words!
Well! Its been 1 hell of a week!
Monday I had my D&C (basically they scrap out all the excess endometriosis) and I had a bad reaction to the sedative they gave me. My pressure dropped to 50/30.. I have never seen nurses run that fast!! I was home and in bed the same day and recouping well.
Thursday was MY DAY!!!
Honestly I wasn't even nervous! Can you believe it! I was super excited. I mean I have been waiting for this for what... 3 years now? I've had enough time to get over the nerve part of it!
I was scheduled at Rockland MD. The place was the cream of the crop! So beautiful, flat screens everywhere,, really.. Wow!! I think my nerves started to kick in when the receptionist put my bracelet on and told me that NO ONE could see me until it was time to leave! No visitors in recovery!! :( to reduce infection blah blah... I missed that part the most.
The staff was amazing very kind, told me everything that was happening.. I was home by 5:30pm and in bed by 5:32pm :)
day 1.. was the devil! I had alot of gas pain.. I was on pain meds (empracet) every 3 hours on the nose for the first 2 days. I would dry heave (worst feeling ever) took alot out of me.
Day 3 I weaned off the meds a bit.. They cause constipation not that I have eaten anything in the past 2 weeks but took some pain meds at night to make sure I didn't wake up in pain.
Day 4.. Today! I was up and about.. Went to walmart.. used a shopping cart to brace myself, My legs feel a bit weak. I've been able to drink about 500mls of water today..
my hubby/nurse made me an apple juice water salt concoction its pretty good.. It goes down alot better then the orange juice and beneprotien.. (yuk!!!) beneprotien is DISGUSTING!! just a warning!
I had my nurse friend come over and take off my bandages today.. she says the cuts are super clean!!! Healing well and she will take the staples out on Thursday!
SO FAR I AM DOWN 30 LBS!!! I actually have bones in my legs?!?!! I have shin bones!! who knew!!!
its crazy i tell ya!
The worst is over its all up hill from here!! I am glad I did it.. Although i regretted it day 1 and 2..
Ok I am rambling on here..
once again thank you all for your support!!
Losers bench here I come!!!