Got a date! Dr. Nagi Safa
It's with Dr. Nagi Safa...has anyone had him?
I'm starting Optifast on Monday, and going for all my tests and nutrition class on Monday.
So scared, excited, nervous and happy all at the same time.
Life is funny.
I've never heard of him..
When I googled:
Dr. Nagi Jean Safa
"Dr Nagi Jean Safa completed his residency training at the
University of Montreal General Surgery Program.
He then performed a fellowship in Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, and Minimal Invasive Surgery, at the Sacred
Heart Hospital of Montreal, which is the largest Weight Loss Surgery center in the Montreal area, and one of the busiest in Canada. Currently, Dr Safa is a Surgeon at the Sacred Heart Hospital of Montreal, and is involved in the training of residents and surgical fellows. Dr Safa performs frequently many bariatric procedures, including roux en Y gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, gastric banding, and gastric
plication. He has a particular interest in Laparoscopic revisional surgery including banding, bypass and sleeve.His current research interests include clinical outcomes from
various bariatric surgery procedures and investigations on the impact of bariatric surgery on Type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome X."
Came up on the "Montrealobesityclinic" site...
When I had mine Dr Denis did the surgery and Dr Garneau "assisted" , so it's reassuring that another Dr will be assisting him... also, I don't know about you, but I find Rockland have a fairly sound practice, and I'm faily sure they don't let "just any dr" work in there practice ;) Just my opinon for what it's worth..
SOOO VERY excited for you! Congrats girl!
**Moving over to make room on the bench for a new skinny *****!** :D
Hi Elena,
Super fantastic news!!!
Just relax and enjoy the've been waiting a very long time for this and now it's almost here.
Wanted to let you know (since you started a thread on the OptiFast) that I have some left also but only vanilla. The chocolate is the best but the vanilla I use to flavor it with sugar free syrop and was also good. If you need let me know.
Keep us posted...and sliding my "skinnier" behind over near Barbara's to make room for you on the bench!!

Good luck !