Got an "interesting" call...
Hi everybody,
Hope you are all having a fantastic weekend!
Last week I got a call from the "original" surgeon that I was suppose to see (Dr.Christou) that's been about 5 years waiting for a consult. She asked me if I was still interested and I told her..."well it depends what you have to tell me".
She told me that they were booking consults for november. I asked her if after the consult I would need to wait anothe 1-2 years (as she had originally told me) and she said "no...we'd book your surgery in december/january" This is if I want I have a second surgery...I got a feeling that maybe the government finally is starting to put money into bariatrics as was promised.
So my question is I just stick with Dr.Garneau ( had all the pre-op and I was told december/january as well) or go see Dr.Christou?
My gut is telling me to stay with Dr. Garneau but I don't want to miss an opportunity if Dr.Garneau keeps postponing...

Thanks guys!
Hi Ada,
Like everyone said, I would go and see what Dr. Christou has to offer. However, if he suggests the RNY like he is famous for, I would really consider going with Dr. Garneau's VSG proposal instead. It is a less risky, less complicated and it clearly works. I don't think you want to take pills every day and have to watch everything you eat. For me, the VSG was the choice for me and I'm happy that's what I chose. But do go and see what Christou has to offer. All I can say from my experience is that Garneau did an amazing job and I'm glad I had him as a surgeon. Please do let us know what you chose.
Like everyone said, I would go and see what Dr. Christou has to offer. However, if he suggests the RNY like he is famous for, I would really consider going with Dr. Garneau's VSG proposal instead. It is a less risky, less complicated and it clearly works. I don't think you want to take pills every day and have to watch everything you eat. For me, the VSG was the choice for me and I'm happy that's what I chose. But do go and see what Christou has to offer. All I can say from my experience is that Garneau did an amazing job and I'm glad I had him as a surgeon. Please do let us know what you chose.
StartW: 406.6 SurgeryW: 370.8 LastW: 249.6 ThisW: 246.6

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thats great news!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would go for the consult as brother had surgery and a friend with Christou....he is reputable......but I like the way I have been treated with Dr. Garneau......
Hoping to find out this week about December or January .....
I was told actually 18 months ago from Christou's secretary, that he is no longer taking patients who dont pay cash........ he is retiring, and thus will not take anymore.
Curious about his consult............... let me know.....
I would go for the consult as brother had surgery and a friend with Christou....he is reputable......but I like the way I have been treated with Dr. Garneau......
Hoping to find out this week about December or January .....
I was told actually 18 months ago from Christou's secretary, that he is no longer taking patients who dont pay cash........ he is retiring, and thus will not take anymore.
Curious about his consult............... let me know.....
I normally call them, Danielle said I am not on December's schedule..... but everything is on schedule. He is currently doing up to 18 months waiting time, so it will be in the next couple of months......(jan or feb).
My first consult was March 10, I had a couple of them after that, the hospital received my file May 10 so it is now 18months exactly. I will be doing my surgery at sacre coeur hospital..... I have had previous surgeries, so I am high risk.
How about yourself? did you go for the consult with dr. christou? how did it go? will u be doing it at Rockland or the hospital?
talk soon
I normally call them, Danielle said I am not on December's schedule..... but everything is on schedule. He is currently doing up to 18 months waiting time, so it will be in the next couple of months......(jan or feb).
My first consult was March 10, I had a couple of them after that, the hospital received my file May 10 so it is now 18months exactly. I will be doing my surgery at sacre coeur hospital..... I have had previous surgeries, so I am high risk.
How about yourself? did you go for the consult with dr. christou? how did it go? will u be doing it at Rockland or the hospital?
talk soon
Hi Robyn and everybody...just a little update. I decided not to go see Dr.Christou for the simple fact that my gut is telling me to not go...follow my instincts I will.
Anyway all my pre-ops are done for Dr.Garneau and I decided to give them a call today to update exactly what was going on and when I'll be getting this surgery done.
Danielle told me that they are just starting to call people from January so Dr.Garneau put me on the list on January 9th so we are talking about my wait so far has been about 22 months. She also told me that for me it's no longer December/January but January/February 2012. She also said that they only return to doing surgeries around January 12th.
I hope it goes faster for you Robyn but don't put your hopes up...btw Robyn...I'm having my surgery at Sacré Coeur too.
So I wait...

Looking on the bright side...I hopefully won't be on Optifast during the holidays...always have to look on that bright side...
So have a great weekend everybody!!