Advising Friends, Family & Eventually Workplace

I think they will be very supportive but I know that my mother and son especially will be very worried. I am a single mother of 9 year old boy and I don't want him to be scared and I don't know how best to tell him.
HELP!!! (I also don't want the ENTIRE family to know, just my immediate family members - is that weird??)
In regards to my workplace, do you need to give them the type of surgery you are having when you request LOA or can you simply provide them with a doctor's note and a brief explanation of "am having surgery"? point finale???
Again, I don't know why, but I also am not wanting them to know the type of surgery I am having. I know they will ask questions once I start to melt down but with passed experiences, ONCE somebody knows you are dieting and so forth, you hear stupidities like - are you ALLOWED to eat that? How much have you lost? How did you do this week? and they will be WATCHING

Am I being silly?? I am definately an Introvert......
Paranoid Kellie.....
Hi Kellie,
I'm completely with you on the "telling people". I just told my immediate family a short while ago and my closest friends about a month ago. People are on a "need to know" basis and frankly they don't all need to know.
As for work, my immediate boss knows (and she is one of my biggest supporters) but she told me that it was not necessary for anyone at work to know what type of surgery you are having. Although a doctor's note might be helpful and can be very generic to just "having surgery".
So I hope this helps a bit.
Take care,
i was very honest with my boss regarding the surgery. most large companies will approve loa becz in the end you become less a financial drain on them by becoming healthy.(less sick days, less meds needed etc.) speak with your direct boss, as for telling other people, go with what feels confortable. it took me more than a year to tell some of my family i was having the surgery