Wait Times
I am officially on the waiting list with Dr. Ronald Denis. My initial visit was last October 2010 however they advised me that I will be on the "list" as of February 2011. (why, I have no clue).
I am relatively healthy and the doctor mentioned in one of our discussions that I May be able to have surgery at the Rockland clinic.
Does anybody know the apx waiting time now at either the Sacre Coeur hospital or the Rockland clinic. I am so looking forward to having this surgery and to start my new journey in life. A healthy one. :-)
I have soooo many questions and have done a lot of research, am so glad to hear from people who have actually had the surgery.
Am ready for this. :--)
Looking forward to hearing your experiences.
The approximate wait time for surgery is now 24-30 months but for some it was longer (36+ months) and some shorter (5-6 months). For me, I waited 22 months for surgery but I did not have it done at the Rockland Medical Clinic. If you are considered at the Rockland, the wait time is less but it still all depends on how your doc is feeling I guess. It almost looks like the docs pick names from a hat sometimes. I don't know what the process is but some get surgery before others. We do some outings sometimes so you should join us for our next one to see and get to interact with other patients who've had the surgery done. It's quite exciting and to me, the best decision of my life.

Follow my journey on YouTube at www.YouTube.com/Dirik29
Welcome to the forum. I'm also awaiting surgery - for me it is with Dr. Atlas for the VSG. I've been waiting 22 months so far, and when I last spoke with the scheduling nurse at the Sacre Coeur Hospital, I was told the wait is as long as 30 months. For those with lower BMI's, then surgery can be performed at the Rockland clinic, which has a shorter wait time. But my partner has been on the waiting list for Rockland for 17 months so far. Also, I'm told my surgeon does operate in the summer months.
As Derek said, the surgery approvals are dependant of a variety of criteria - like co-morbidities, etc.
Anyhow - hope that helps,
Hey everyone:
Thanks for your replies. It just seems like a lifetime away but am hoping it passes by quickly. I am very nervous about having the surgery and all the changes associated with it but I am positive the VSG will be the most amazing, life changing decision I ever make for myself. :-)
I have a relatively high BMI but have no co-morbidities so he said I "could" be eligible to have the surgery there at Rockland. Either is fine with me as long as there is no pain. (LOL). riiigghtt.
I go see Dr. Denis every three months and I continuously go to him with a variety of questions to ask him that relate to the surgery and how my life will be afterewards. Will I eat normally? Will I have to eat protein shakes for the rest of my life? Can I go with my son to McDonalds and eat a couple of nuggets or a salad? LOL I watch a lot of youTube but at times I find it confuses me more than anything as there are conflicting stories. - each physician & situation is different I guess. Some have tons of pain and nausea, the next person is just fine and dandy. :-)
Am so anxious to receive a call. :-) Will be patient and keep researching. (I think pretty soon I can probably perform the surgery have watched it being done so much. LOL)
Take care everybody. :-)
These are all legitimate questions and these are all questions we've had before. I am only 5 months out and I can eat anything and everything I can think of but only in moderation. I only take protein shakes in the morning so I get enough protein in on a daily basis as it is hard to hit 80-100 grams of protein a day with just food. 1 month out, I was able to eat 3-4 nuggets, no fries or drink and I was full. 5 months out, I am able to eat 4-5 nuggets no fries or drink and I am full. On the hamburger front, I used to be able to eat, if I pushed myself, to eat 6 double cheesburgers before surgery. Now I can only eat half of one. It's not the right choice but I still like to have fun with my friends and take part in their stupidities. Check out my youtube videos in my link below. I don't make my videos as often but I did make one just last week. Read as much as you can and educate yourself as much as well. Your call will come in no time.

Follow my journey on YouTube at www.YouTube.com/Dirik29
I am most definately ready to make the lifestyle changes that go along with having the Sleeve. I have been trying some of the tips even now - sipping water (not gulping), chewing food for a longer period and so forth. :-) Will need to try to eat ONLY 2 nuggets. LOL see how that goes. LOL
Will definately have a look at the vidoes.
have a good one.