What should i do?
Good evening to everyone,
as some of you know, I'm on the waiting list to get the sleeve with dr.Atlas since december 2008. I last called Martine in May this year and she said there was about 15 people ahead of me, not counting the cancellations, and that she should call me for my pre-op tests sometimes this summer but no news yet. She also mentionned that she would like to have everyone that met the dr. in 2008 have their surgery before the end of the year. My question is: should i call her again to see where am at? I'm just so anxious to get it done!!! I talk about my surgery to anyone who would listen, friends and family included and I know some people might be tired of hearing about it but i just can't help it!!! Some friends/family and people on another forum, told me i should call again but my boyfriend says i'm harassing her and to just wait, they'll call me one day!!! What shoud i do? What do you think about it? What would YOU do if you were me? Please give me your honest opinion....
I'm in the same boat as you. I called in May and was told that just 2 people were ahead of me with Dr. Garneau. Personally I think a call every 3 months is not harassement. For me, if they don't call before the end of August I will call first thing in the morning on September 1st. Good luck and let me know what you decide.
Hi again everyone, I called Martine yesterday and to tell you the truth, the call didn't help me.... She said since dr.Atlas didn't operate this summer, my case is still the same as it was in May... And to top it off, she said that my case was accepted only in January 2009 instead of december 2008 as i had tought so it brings me back to another more month to wait!!! I'm so discouraged and tired of waiting, i could just cry my eyes out right now!!! I don't know how to get the courage to continue on waiting .... Please give me hope and help me wait a little bit longer.... And here i was, thinking that it would all be over by the end of the year!!!!! Please my dear friends, help me!!!
P.S. to Derek, she wouldn't give me the info, she said it was personnel patient information, but you should try calling, maybe YOU'LL get good news... . Keep us posted....
Hi Anne,
Both Derek and I are in the same boat as you although Derek and I have a different surgeon but we are all waiting. Think of it this way...you are ahead of all of us. Derek's date was May 2009 and mine January 2010. I know it really sucks but WE ARE ON THE LIST!!!

Hundreds of people are probably just thinking of going for a consult at this time and the wait is just beginning for them (and they will get there too) but for us we are almost there!!!
I can see that loser's bench getting closer and closer so everyone better make room because we're on our way!!! Diane is right...we need to help this journey along so the process will be a good one!
Stay positive and we'll all get through this together!!!
Ada xoxo