Good news...
I went for my gastroscopy on Wednesday morning and everything is fine!!! No ulcers so I can go ahead with my surgery this year, no problem... The surgeon that did the test was one of Dr.Atlas student in school so he knows about VSG and he encourages me to go ahead with it. Of course, I do have some bile going up in my stomach and that causes my stomach to be irritated and red but dr. gave me some meds to heal that up and I should be fine in about a month... Now If I could only get a date!!!
Hey Cindy,
thanks for your kind words...
I have been on the waiting list since dec. 08... I've called the bariatric nurse at Sacre Coeur a couple of weeks ago and she said that I should have my pre-op tests done this summer and should have my surgery before the end of the year.... Hope it's sooner than that, I can't wait no more....